CS Executive New Syllabus ICSI Pre Examination Test

Steps for appearing in Online Pre-Exam Test and Process of Payment of Fee by the Students who are yet to remit fees towards the Pre-examination test.

Dear Student,
This is to welcome you in the New Syllabus (2017) for Executive Programme of CS Course. The books for the same have already been despatched and we hope that you have started your studies.

As per the notification for the new syllabus, a mandatory Pre-Examination Test has been introduced as a pre-requisite for seeking enrolment in CS Examinations. You have to take this test before you enrol for December, 2018
Examinations. The enrollment for Examinations shall be opening on 26th August, 2018.

The Pre-Examination test shall be conducted by ICSI for all the students of Executive Programme (under New Syllabus). This Test will serve as eligibility criteria for appearing in the main Examination. In order to take this test, a fee of Rs1000/- is to be paid, which can be paid online by the students who have registered or have switched over to the New Syllabus of Executive Programme Stage and are yet to remit fees towards Pre-exam test as per procedure mentioned at Annexure-1. Please follow the steps as indicated therein and make the payment.

Once the payment is realised, you will get an invitation (along with login ID and default password) in due course of time to join the Online portal for giving the Pre Examination Test. Steps for using the platform may be seen at Annexure-2.Please read it carefully and follow the steps after receipt of the invitation.

Please monitor the ‘Student’ page of Institute’s website www.icsi.edu for the latest updates on Pre-Examination Test.You are free to raise your queries, if any, at http://support.icsi.edu

With best wishes,

CS Executive New Syllabus ICSI Pre Examination Test


1. Login Page: Student can login in to the application by entering Registration Number and DOB.

It will not allow student to enter into application if he has already made payment and his transaction is Successful or after Successful reconciliation.Both Registration Number and DOB are mandatory.

2. StudentProfile Page: This page populates student details along with PreExam Test Fee.

3. PaymentInstruction Page: This page displays TransactionID, Receipt ID and Instructions. Student can “Proceed to Payment” by giving his consent on the same by checking the check box.

4. Payment Gateway

5. Receipt Generation

CS Executive New Syllabus ICSI Pre Examination Test : Steps to attempt Online Pre-Examination Test:

1. Login using your credentials:
Link – https://elearning.icsi.in (Please note, your Login credentials (Login Id and password) would be
intimated to you once you pay the requisite fee)

2. Click on My Course:

3. After Clicking on My Courses, all the courses in which you are enrolled will appear on the screen. You can select Online Pre Examination Test Executive Module -1 from the list of courses.Click on Online Pre Examination test

Module – 1.
Click on Launch Button in Green Color.

4. Upon Launching, Pre Examination Guidelines page will open, please read guidelines carefully.

5. After reading Guidelines, Please click on Assessment Tab given just below paper name

6. After Clicking on Assessment, Please click on launch assessment button:

7. After clicking on launch assessment, instruction page will open. Please read these instructions carefully. After reading instruction, please tick the checkbox displaying (I have read and understood the instructions and
agree to adhere to them).
Please click on “I am ready to begin button”

8. Assessment will start just after you click on this button. Given below is assessment screen: