This paper proposes to provide an expert knowledge of the provisions of Company Law by developing an understanding of the regulation of companies and to provide a thorough knowledge of various provisions of Company Law to the students at Executive Programme level. At executive level students are advised to be thorough with the legal aspects of Company Law with the conceptual understanding. In this paper, detailed provisions of Companies Act and the rules made thereunder, are covered.
What ICSI expect from you in company law?
 • An understanding of concepts.
 • Definitions.
 • Ceiling limits for various aspects,
 • The fair idea on e-forms to be filed with various authorities for different activities.
 • Powers of the Board and the shareholders, violation details and other various provisions of the Companies Act.
 • Chech Out the Best Books for Company Law. Click Here
WHAT ICSI EXPECTS FROM YOU : Cost & Management Accounting
This paper is being held in the Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) format, whereby students are required to answer multiple choice questions on OMR sheets by darkening the appropriate choice. One mark is awarded for each correct answer and (-)0.25 for the incorrect answer.This paper has been devised to provide knowledge of principles and techniques of Cost and Management Accounting.
The subject ‘Cost and Management Accounting’ is very important and useful for optimum utilisation of existing resources. It is an essential discipline for corporate management, as the information collected and presented to management based on cost and management accounting techniques helps management to solve not only specific problems but also guides them in decision making.
What ICSI expect from CS executive student in cost and management accounting?
 • Since paper is OMR based so students should start solving Mock Test to gain Confidence. Click here for Mock Test
• To understand theoretical concepts and analysis rather than routine learning and mugging.
• To solve the practical problem as much as possible and to maintain suitable balance with theory.
• To concentrate on study material provided by the institute and other helping material (you can use various writer book or your coaching institute book if you are taking coaching).
• To concentrate on every topic since 100 questions need to be answered. Focus on time management, especially in solving the practical problems
• For updating, Students are advised to read ‘Student Company Secretary e-bulletin’, Chartered Secretary, Bare Act, recommended books and other publications on the subjects. Click here for Recommended Books
• To focus especially on standard costing, marginal costing and budget since these topics require more analytical skills.
WHAT ICSI EXPECTS FROM YOU : Economic And Commercial Laws
The emerging economic environment involves rapid technological changes, the response in terms of change in methods, trade and services, globalisation of the economy, liberalisation of trade and industry, emphasis on international competitiveness and bringing the existing laws in tune with the future market needs.
The Government has also initiated legislative reforms in the area of economic and commercial laws. This paper has been developed to provide an understanding and to acquire knowledge of certain economic and commercial legislations which have a direct bearing on the functioning of companies.
As the area of Economic and Commercial Laws undergoes frequent changes, it becomes necessary for every student to constantly update with the various legislative changes made as well as judicial pronouncements rendered from time to time by referring to the decisions of Supreme Court, High Courts and Quasi-Judicial Bodies.
What ICSI expect from CS Executive Student in Economic and Commercial Laws?
• Answer the questions with a due emphasis on the provisions of law
• Support their answers and conclusions with proper reasoning.
• Answers should be based on case study decided by Supreme Court, High Courts and Quasi-Judicial Bodies wherever applicable.
• Proper alignments of thoughts and expression while writing in an examination.
• Practice writing daily or Join Online Test Series for Paper Writing Practice. Click here to Join
• This will help a lot during examinations. Write in a neat and legible handwriting.
• Keep a watch on DIPP, RBI, CCI, Controller of Patents, Registrar of Copyright and Pollution Control Boards Circulars, Notifications issued from time to time.
• Refer to the Website of Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Reserve Bank of India, Competition Commission of India.
• For modernised, Students are advised to read ‘Student Company Secretary e-bulletin’, Chartered Secretary, Bare Act etc.
• Refer to suggested books and other publications Click here for Suggested Books
In this paper, students are expected to have a working knowledge of the basic principles underlying the substantive provisions of income tax, service tax and value added tax so that, they are able to apply these laws in the computation of income and taxation thereof.
The subject of Tax Laws is subject to constant refinement through new primary legislations, rules and regulations made thereunder and court decisions on specific legal issues. It, therefore, becomes necessary for every student to constantly update himself/herself with the various changes made and judicial pronouncements rendered from time to time.
What ICSI expect from CS executive student in Tax Laws and Practice?
• Practice as many practical problems as possible.Click here to Join Mock Test
• Understand theoretical concepts and apply these in a practical scenario.
• Practice filing the income tax Return, VAT return, service tax return under an expert guidance.
• Refer the Direct Taxes and Indirect Taxes reckoner wherever required.
• Update yourself about all the relevant circulars, clarifications, notifications, etc. issued by the CBDT, CBEC & Central Government, on or before six months prior to the date of the respective examinations.
• Keep yourself updated with the judicial pronouncements rendered by the Apex Court, High Court and Tribunals.
WHAT ICSI EXPECTS FROM YOU : Company Accounts and Auditing
This paper has been designed to provide the students with advanced knowledge of the principles and practices of company accounts and auditing in accordance with statutory requirements.
What ICSI expect from CS Executive Student in Company Accounts and Auditing Practices?
• Being a practical subject, students are advised to solve the practical problems as much as they can and understand the practical aspects of Company Law provisions.
• All the workings must form part of the answer. Students should not forget to refer/write the working number in their solution.
• Practice illustrations which are representing different situations; understand the logic – what, where and how it is getting changed and check the application of accounting standards.
• Company Accounts is a very dynamic subject and any change in company law provisions attracts a similar change in the accounting aspect relating to the particular change in company law.
• Students are expected to be aware of time to time changes made in company law and other corporate legislations.
• Since the listed company are governed by Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI), students are expected to keep a watch on SEBI announcement relating to accounting aspects of listed companies.
• Refer the annual reports of various companies and get themselves acquaint with the latest development in corporate financial reporting.
• Students should obtain the practical insight of provisions relating to auditor’s appointment, various aspects of the statutory audit, cost audit and secretarial audit.
• For update, Students are advised to read ‘Student Company Secretary’, Chartered Secretary, Bare Act, recommended books and other publications on the subjects. Click Here for Recommended Books
WHAT ICSI EXPECTS FROM YOU : Capital Market and Securities Laws
The subject Capital Market and Securities Laws is a very important subject of the CS Course. The Company Secretaries are recognised under various securities Laws such as Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, Depositories Act, 1996, Regulations and guidelines issued by SEBI under the SEBI Act, 1992 and the LODR of the Stock Exchanges for Equity, Debt, IDRs & SME Listing.
SEBI has also authorised Practicing Company Secretaries to undertake an internal audit of various capital market intermediaries and an issue of the quarterly certificate with respect to the reconciliation of share capital audit. Students’ general perception that Capital Markets and Securities Laws is a theoretical subject, is a myth.
The objective of this paper is to give expert knowledge; therefore, a student has to be fully conversant with all applicable laws in securities laws. After passing the CS course, the members have to deal with the practical situations and apply the theory of the relevant subject.
What ICSI expect from you in Capital Market and Securities laws?
• Concentrating more on the analytical skill for the implication of theory in a given case.
• As mentioned above a company secretary can conduct an internal audit as well as be a compliance officer of the company, so a student is required to have a thorough knowledge of Listing Agreement and also on various intermediaries’ regulations.
• With the enactment of Companies Act, 2013 SEBI has been taking initiatives to align with Companies Act, 2013 and in this direction, it has revised clause 49. So a student has to be well versed with the provisions of clause 49, their applicability and corresponding provisions of Companies Act, 2013 for better understanding and grasp of the subject.
• Referring case study as posted on the website of SEBI regularly.
• Access the websites of SEBI, NSE, BSE etc. for the updated rules and regulations.
WHAT ICSI EXPECTS FROM YOU : Industrial Labour and General Laws
This paper is being held in the Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) format. For Better Results Start Practising Mock Test to Gain Confidence. Click Here For Mock TestÂ
What ICSI expect from CS executive student in Industrial, Labour and General Laws?
• The students appearing in paper ‘Industrial, Labour and General Laws should keep following points into consideration.
• Thoroughly cover the study material to acquire in-depth knowledge of substantial provisions of the Industrial, Labour and General Laws.
• A continuous follow-up of various Notifications, Circulars, Clarification issued by the Regulators from time to time.
• Awareness to various Rulings of Supreme Court, High Court and Quasi-Judicial Bodies wherever applicable.
• Enhance the ability to reason out while answering the question.
• Regularly read the Law Journals and develop analytical and logical skills and improve presentation skills.