CS Executive Preparation Tips. Hello everyone! You people are now into the last month preparations before CS EXAMS. This is the final stretch – that final period, where you can actually stake a strong claim to an next level. The foundation was laid in the previous few months of your preparation. Now, it’s time to build on everything you did in that time. It’s the last lap; stop jogging and take a sprint. This is actually one of the worst phases of your CS preparation – you are actually done with it, but have to keep going through the same routine time and again, study the exact same things and appear for papers. It does sound like a bleak prospect, but then this is just another test en route! So here’s a post on how to get through this period without any hitches, and with maximum productivity.
The work you did in the previous few months will help you in cracking this attempt; The work you do in the next one month will determine where you stand in the final examination. There are simple things to be kept in mind while going through this period; simple practices you could follow without too much of an effort. Here are some insightful views that will help you in your last month preparations before CS Exams.
Last Month CS Executive Preparation Tips :
1) Don’t let confidence get to your head, or crash you down: This, in my opinion, is the single most important thing to be taken care of. Your confidence will determine your efficiency; overconfidence or under-confidence will both reduce your efficiency. Make sure that does not happen. To put it concisely, Rule #1 of surviving this period – make sure your head is in the right place.
2) Don’t go for new theory books: Everyone has their own set of reference books during the past few months of preparation, and you somehow get accustomed to a particular authors’ language, examples and style of narration. And it can be a tad stressful to open a completely new author with their altogether different narration and examples in the last month preparations before final exams. Also, if you have studied well in the past few months, then you’ve probably highlighted all the important stuff in your textbooks. If you pick up a new book, you’ll have to crawl through an entirely new database of information, which will be QUITE time-consuming. And you can always use that time in a bit of revision.
3) Solve as many Mock test as you can: Mock Test are the ultimate prep tool in the students’ arsenal. You get new questions from there, you build up your stamina, and you actually learn how to attempt papers. Join Our Online Chapter Wise Mock test which can help you in scoring exemption in Mcq subjects. Check out our Online Mock test here (CLICK HERE) Let Mock tests become the source of new questions for you. It’s very important that you learn stress management before your exams, and this is the best period to do that. Solve as many tests as you can. They’ll help in pointing out where you go wrong, what topics need revising and where your weaknesses lie. Analyse yourself at the end of each test, however long or short. Also, make it a point to give tests in the ICSI Pattern – and test taking environment . It’s really hard to maintain your composure and speed till the end. Practice that, and practice hard. It makes a LOT of difference on the exam day – 1 question if attempted wrong will result in your bad performance in exam, all due to a lack of composure. I have seen many students scoring 39 marks in a single subject. So give a LOT of tests, and give them with full preparation and as if you are giving your final exam.
4) CS Executive Preparation Tips : Go through Short Notes of chapters, and if you haven’t prepared it, prepare one for each chapter, and go through it: Short notes are really helpful in quick go-throughs of chapters; the Provisions, the concepts and everything in between. That will save time, and make revising very easy. Include some cracking examples, and you don’t really need a book for this period.
5) CS Executive Preparation Tips : Keep revising Company law THOROUGHLY: This is a part of CS EXECUTIVE which most toppers study VERY seriously. People generally think that company law paper won’t have many Case law-based questions. They’re wrong. ICSI ask Case law based questions, and they make up almost 80% of the  Company law paper. Be VERY thorough with Company law. Try and divide up the Answers into four parts – Provisions, structures, explanations and reactions. Make up something separate for Meetings and Directors chapter, read it from a good book. Last year’s Company law paper contained about 35% of Meeting and directors. That should be enough warning for anyone doing last month preparations for CS Executive.
6) CS Executive Preparation Tips : Be very thorough with the scoring topics: CS Executive syllabus has a lot of scoring topics scattered here and there. Make sure you capitalise on them. These are the questions you must ABSOLUTELY solve to have a crack a good rank. Costing, Taxation , Industrial Law are just some areas where you can score highly, as they do not invoke any GENUINELY thought-provoking questions. And the examiners are generous enough to give a good weightage to these topics. So it’d be worth your while to spend some time on these topics during this period.
That’s about it, guys. I can totally understand the frustration that sometimes must get to you. But trust me, ride this out properly, and you will make up A LOT of ground with those ahead of you. As mentioned above, this period is also one where you can lose out on a lot of ground if you slack around. So be on your toes, stay sharp, and don’t let this get to you. Also, a more trivial thing: take good care of your health. Eat properly, don’t compromise on sleep and stay healthy. Fight it out this one last time, and there’ll be ample of time to enjoy life after this!Â
We hope you have subscribed for Online Chapter wise Mock test which can help you to score exemption in MCQ SUBJECTS. Conquering the beast that is CS EXECUTIVE is tough but you must persist in these last days.
Thank you so much CS KART INDIA!
This post helped me a lot to boost my confidence!