CS Executive Important Chapters | June 2020 Exam

CS Executive Important Chapters

In this article, we have provided CS Executive Important Chapters for June 2020 Exam. We have analysed last 10 Attempts question papers on basis of which these important chapters list is prepared. We have also scanned the relative importance of each chapter from exam point of view and thereby given you a small gist of marks that may be allocated to each chapter.

But before going through that list, we have given you Perfect Strategy for using these CS Executive Important Chapters List

We highly Recommend to scroll down and read these 3 Strategies before clicking on subjectwise important chapters list.

CS Executive Important Chapters

CS Executive Company Law Important Chapters 

CS Executive Cost and Management Accounting Important Chapters

CS Executive Tax Laws and Practices Important Chapters

CS Executive Economic and Commercial Laws Important Chapters

CS Executive Capital Market and Securities Laws Important Chapters

CS Executive Company Accounts and Auditing Practices Important Chapters

CS Executive Industrial Labour and General Laws Important Chapters

There are some chapters in every subject that contain 30 to 40 marks, but they are only 5-10% of the entire subject, and in that chapter, the examiner asks questions every time. Then there are some chapters which are 40-50% part of the subject but only 30-40 marks question is asked from chapters. Similarly, some chapters are 30-40% part of the subject but only 10-20 marks questions are asked from those chapters.

We can divide this scenario into 3 parts in this way:

Question Types Marks Coverage %
Very Important 20-40 5-10
Important 30-40 40-60
Less Important 10-20 30-50

Strategy 1 : Understanding this scenario, 5 to 10% part of a subject is such that we should study that part very well and the important and less important part can be studied lightly. This will make our level of preparation above average. 

Type Marks Study


% of Marks




Very Important 30 Very Hard 80 24
Important 40 More than Average 60 24
Less Important 30 Average 50 15

So here the total is 63 Marks

Strategy 2 : If you prepare here for average marks, then your strategy will be something like this.

Type Marks Study


% of Marks




Very Important 30 Very Hard 80 24
Important 40 Average 50 20
Less Important 30 Less than Average 40 12

So here the total is 56 Marks

Strategy 3 : Here is your strategy if you prepare less than average:

Type Marks Study


% of Marks




Very Important 30 Hard 70 21
Important 40 Less than Average 40 26
Less Important 30 Less than Average 40 12

So here the total is 49 Marks

One thing to take care in all three strategies: You do not have to prepare average or less average for the VERY Important Chapters because the first thing it is a very little part of your entire syllabus so you can get good results with little less efforts, and secondly if you leave that topic then your impression on the Examiner will negatively  impacted and if once he starts giving less marks by seeing your study level he will continue giving less marks in the entire paper.

If you plan well on the whole syllabus subject wise, individual group wise and stage-wise, then no one can stop you from becoming a Successful CS.

ICSI Past Exam Question Paper

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