CS Executive Accounts Exam Planning Strategy to Pass CS Exams in First Attempt.CS Executive Accounts is generally the first subjective exam that CS students give and Accounting has to be studied very carefully. Therefore, it becomes very important to keep goals which are achievable. I don’t say 80+ is not achievable, but you have to put in a lots of effort.
You should take reasonable care of other subjects too, because 80 in Accounts & 39 in SEBI and ILGL, you end up failing. On the other hand, 50 in Accounts & 50 in SEBI and 50 in ILGL would be much better and rewarding.
So firstly you should ensure that all subjects are done in such a way that you can score 50 in each at least. Then you should look at developing core competencies.
Disclaimer: The below strategy is extreme but achievable.
CS Executive Accounts Exam Planning Strategy
I have denoted marks at each stage, which means if you complete up to that stage, you will be able to obtain that many marks.
Please note stage 4 onwards I have used the word ‘Aiming xx marks’, not ‘Getting xx marks’. This strategy is for studying.
Up to Stage III, I guarantee that following the strategy would get you marks, but beyond that there is no confirmed guarantee and nobody can guarantee it, that you will score, you can just ‘aim to score’.
The reason you know is that Accounts paper is tough! But Papers are not that worse, that you don’t get a guaranteed 40 marks, but beyond that you have to work hard
CS Executive Accounts Exam Planning Strategy : Stage I – Getting 25 marks – Understanding the concepts, chapters and the basic questions.
You can use any of the books/notes which you feel good with, in case you are doing self-study. If you are doing classes, attend classes regularly and keep your notes up to date. When attending classes, you don’t need to study at home except 15 mins revision at night, that too only during accounts classes! Classes and exam prep leave may have a big gap, during this gap you must revise one of the chapter on Sundays or weekends! (Just 30 minutes reading and solve 1-2 sums, not asking much. No deep reading or studying, do it like a magazine!)
Stage II – Getting 50 marks – Auditing
Yes, I have kept a separate stage for Auditing , because its very scoring! Auditing have to be done very carefully, you should learn the few important topics of each chapters so that you have chances of scoring good marks in audit.
CS Executive Accounts Exam Planning Strategy : Stage III – Sealing 50 marks – Understanding Exam Papers.
Now you should be concentrate on exam situations. You should firstly see how papers are set, how many questions you have to attempt, which chapters frequently questions are asked, how much time you have for solving a question. This should be done using 3 years (6 attempts) exam papers analysis and the suggested answers along with Examiner’s comments. (Available on ICSI Academic corner. A reality check would be to solve a paper at this stage itself. I bet, this will be very helpful for studying!
CS Executive Accounts Exam Planning Strategy : Stage IV – Aiming 70 marks – Practicing Problems.
This stage will come when you have started Exam prep. At this stage, you should read the following books in the order given, for each chapter:
Class notes – solve all important marked sums on paper/ solve unimportant sums in rough. (At least 40% sums of each chapter must be solved full fledge)
Study Material – Just like a magazine, read the theory part (max time to be devoted 20 mins.) Just make sure that all concepts have already been covered in Study Material.
Practical Manual – Solve all the sums given in practice manual thoroughly. You may skip solving sums which are same, but you should solve at least 60% sums on paper full fledged. Mark important sums.
CS Executive Accounts Exam Planning Strategy : Stage V – Aiming 80 Marks – Practicing Timings –
Solving sums is not enough, you need to solve sums within time! At this stage, revise all the sums of class notes and practice manual. You should Re-solve all key sums on paper, atleast 40% of each chapter both Class notes & Practice manual put together, rest sums you can just read. Also this time, you will put a stopwatch next to you to the count the timing.
Before exams, say month of May or month of November, you should solve at least 2 full papers of accounts in exam conditions! You can Join our full course test series Quaterly test series as your papers will be checked by qualified CS and your answersheets will be thoroughly reviewed.Another benefit you can get is that you will get examiner’s comments, short notes and suggested answers in Test series. Yes, the papers you will solve will be from past exam papers itself, subject to amendments. At this stage, you should also solve the past exam papers
CS Executive Accounts Exam Planning Strategy : Stage VI – Aiming 90 Marks – Additional Notes to Accounts –
You will have to develop the perfect in identifying the assumptions to be made, the important notes to be given, answering the theoretical accounting and auditing questions will rules, facts, examples, to the point, appropriately. So this is a skill that you will have to develop overtime. You will have to observe the answers, what kind of assumptions are to be made, or explanations have to be given. One trick here is – In question, pointwise adjustments are given. You should make sure that your answer contains a reply to each of the stated adjustment in the question. Marks are allotted to each adjustment.
Stage VII – Aiming Perfect 100 Marks – Being the Master Class!
You will have to develop ability to solve new sums / untouched sums in the very first try. Yes! If any new generation of sums is put up by examiner, you should be able to solve the same, this is possible my mastering the concepts. Concepts should so nicely into our mind, that we should be able to solve, practical situations as well!
Important Topics of CS Executive Exam
Here we are providing subject wise important topics to CS Executive students. See below How to prepare CS Executive Module – 1 and Module – 2. Click below links
Module – 1
CS Executive Cost and Management Accounting
CS Executive Economic and Commercial Laws
CS Executive Tax Laws and Practice
Module – 2
CS Executive Capital Market and Securities laws
CS Executive Company Accounts and Auditing Practices
CS Executive Industrial labour and General Laws