How to Prepare CS Professional Information Technology And System Audit for June 2019 Exam
How to Prepare CS Professional Information Technology And System Audit : Subject Overview:
Information Technology and Systems Audit (ITSA), the moment we hear the name of the subject we feel that it must be related to using of computers and all other practical aspects and thus we start fearing this subject. But, first of all this is not the case. ITSA is not about computers and stuff. It is about the various IT systems that a company uses and how the levels of management affect the system requirements in an organisation. ITSA is a short subject comprising of 11 chapters. It is one of the easier subjects in the 2nd group. There is no practical in it. Although, being a small subject, it is a bit difficult to score in this subject, hence thorough revision is a must.
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How to Prepare CS Professional Information Technology And System Audit : The objective of ITSA paper in CS Professional:
As the convergence of telecommunications and computing, Information Technology is the foundation of the 21st century economy, Company Secretaries Professionals also does not differ from it. In the age of e-filing and XBRL, it is very difficult for a corporate professional to survive without knowing the basics of ITSA. Studying ITSA will equip you to understand the basics of IT, e-governance and IT Act. Nowadays almost all the companies use various IT systems and all their work depends on those systems and if a CS joining them doesn’t know anything about the systems, then it will leave a bad impression of the CS fraternity. Hence, this subject has been incorporated in the syllabus.
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How to Prepare CS Professional Information Technology And System Audit : What is expected from the student by ICSI?
Students are expected to be well versed with each and every concept and the meaning behind it for solving concept based questions. There is no requirement to write everything word to word as in the module, but the student should be able to make the examiner understand the concept. Running around the bush won’t help. Remembering of important is sections are appreciated.
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How to Prepare CS Professional Information Technology And System Audit : Study Plan and Strategy
Since ITSA being a smaller subject, you can always pick this one first and finish it and then keep revising. You can divide this subject into 3 chapters per week and finish it within a month. Some of the chapters are really short and won’t take more than a day. But, selective reading of the chapters is to be avoided. Each and every chapter is important, nothing can be left out. If some concepts are difficult, then you can write it down separately and revise them again and again. Solving previous year’s questions will help you understand what types of questions are being asked and how logical application is to be used. Comparing your answers with suggested answers will make you understand what is expected by the Institute. For ITSA, revision is the only key to get good marks because the subject is not lengthy and is easy to learn.
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IT Act, 2000 is one of the chapters and it contains various sections. These sections ought to be learnt by the students because they are the only sections in the entire subject and are easy to remember. Mentioning the law without it’s section won’t fetch you much marks. Hence, sections of the IT Act are very important and need to be remembered by you. However, if you are confused between the sections then desist from citing the wrong section number.
Language and Presentation:
Neat and legible presentation is a must. This will create a positive impression on the examiner. Writing in paragraphs is appreciated. Generalized answers should be avoided as it reflects your low preparation of the subject. ITSA contains a bit of technical language, hence while answering you should be able to mention those technical words because that will help you score better.
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How to Prepare CS Professional Information Technology And System Audit : Chapter-specific guidance:Â Â
Lesson 1 – Information Technology Law
After reading this lesson, students will be able to understand the purpose and objects of IT Act, 2000, meaning and definition of different terms used in the Act, working of Certifying Authority and Cyber Appellate Tribunal, meaning of digital signatures etc.
Lesson 2 – Information Systems
After going through this lesson, students should be able to understand the basics of information system and importance of information system in decision making process.
Lesson 3 – Computer Hardware – Overview
After reading this lesson, students would be able to understand the meaning of term computers, learn about different types of computers, understand the difference between analog and digital computers, know about newer types of computers, learn about different computer peripherals etc.
Lesson 4 – Computer Software – Overview
This lesson will familiarize the student with the term software and its classification, functions of different types of software, meaning of multiprogramming and multiprocessing, understand the terms time sharing, batch processing and about the requirements of system security etc.
Lesson 5 – Database Management
After reading this lesson, you should be able to understand the meaning of database, its types, advantages, know about the basics of data structure, meaning of the term DBMS, its objectives and functions etc.
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Lesson 6 – Programming – OverviewÂ
After going through this lesson, one will be able to understand the basic concept relating to programming, programming process and programming development cycle, programming concepts like algorithm and flow chart, drawing of flow charts, understand the basis of different programming languages.
Lesson 7 – Internet and other technologies
After reading this lesson, students will be able to understand Internet and a variety of its application and other related technologies, understand various aspects related to internet protocols, e-commerce security, get an idea about e-commerce and its various variants etc.
Lesson 8 – Management Information Systems – Overview
This lesson will help students to understand the basics of MIS: concepts, evolution and characteristics, understand the MIS requirements of different levels of management, review the MIS system of an organisation with respect to its appropriateness for the organisation, understand the basics of decision support system, artificial intelligence etc.
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Lesson 9 – Enterprise Resource Management
This lesson will make the students understand the basic concepts of ERP and its usefulness for an organisation, know the major issues involved in ERP implementation, understand the critical success factor for ERP implementation etc.
Lesson 10 – E-Governance in India
After reading this lesson, one would be able to understand the meaning and objectives of e-governance, learn about various models of e-governance, different areas of e-governance, know about national e-governance division and national e-governance plan etc.
Lesson 11 – Systems Audit – Overview
This lesson will enable to understand the purpose of enacting IT Act, 2000, understand the nature and scope of system audit, information system audit process, relationship between information system audit and different functions of management etc.
How to Prepare CS Professional Information Technology And System Audit : How to Plan for examination:
Planning differs from person to person but one should plan as such that achieving the goal becomes easier. Since ITSA is a smaller subject, you can always plan to complete it as soon as possible. Plan early because executing it may take a month or so. You will have to adapt yourself with the plan. Write down goals for each day and don’t do anything else unless your topic for the day is finished. Plan properly and you will surely see that you are able to give ample time for revision.
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How to Prepare CS Professional Information Technology And System Audit : Important Tips:
- Before the final exam, one should at least solve one test paper so as to know how much prepared are you and whether you are able to finish within the time limit of 3 hours.
- Revision is a must. Keep revising the subject at proper intervals.
- Don’t let your doubts build up. Get your doubts cleared as soon as possible.
- Writing practice is a must.
- Don’t take things lightly. It may seem that there is enough time and you can do it later, but remember time gone won’t come back. Regretting later is not an option.
- If you start studying earlier, then you may make your own notes too.
- And one more thing, never ever give up. It is going to take lots of pain to study so much, but when this pain becomes a gain in the future, the happiness of that gain is beyond this universe.Â
Check out our article for CS Professional Students :Â
Article Name:Â Prepare CS Professional Information Technology And System Audit