CS Professional Study Plan | June 2021 Exam

CS Professional Study Plan

At this point of time, you might be planning about CS Professional June 2021 Exam. Those who are having CS Professional December 2021 attempt, you have a little more than six months to prepare. In this article, we will not give you a static CS Professional Study Plan which is very hard to follow. We will guide you to make your own study plan which you can follow as per your convenience. 

In the next two months, you need to decide how many groups you want to attempt. This is probably the most important decision. If you try to do more than what is possible, you might end up not doing well in any group.

CS Professional Study Plan : Following is a list of things you should think about while preparing your own study plan:

  1. You do not have a lot of time. Six months is 180 days which means 20 days per subject. That is barely enough time if you consider that you need to study at least three times- and you need to do the module and practice manuals and scanners.
  2. You need to decide which books you will study from and how much you will finish. We end up buying or taking Xeroxes of a lot of notes that we don’t get time to study. Later on, it builds pressure that we haven’t finished ‘xyz’ notes.
  3. You need to calmly go through your entire portion and make a plan about how you are going to at least touch upon each of those topics in the next two months. This is important for three reasons:

a) You cannot rely on your classes and professors. They will finish the portion only two months in advance, most probably

b) A major part of the portion is things that you can understand and do on your own, so you can start using your time well from right now

c) There will not be time, later on, to go through your portion and then you will feel burdened to see how much you have to get through.

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  1. Now, you have decided your books, you have checked the portion and you know you have two months to make your decision about the groups. So you need to start studying.
  2. This will be different for everyone, depending on whether you are in college and you have other exams and commitments. So make a tentative schedule of how many hours you can give for CS preparation in the next two months. And then add buffer time. For eg. If you can give three hours every day, after classes and everything- that comes to 180 hours. You can keep 30 hours as a buffer because time gets wasted sometimes beyond our control. This brings you to 150 hours for around 130 chapters.
  3. Try your best to stick to your plan. But it is more important to study well than to finish the portion. So if in these 150 hours, you are finding it hard to study something, don’t rush. Don’t skip things. It is okay. You have time.
  4. When you are studying, however bored you feel, don’t study something half-heartedly. Try to study in such a way that if somebody asks you something, you should at least know the concept. This is the whole point of studying in these two months. For you to understand your entire syllabus and not feel afraid to approach any topic.

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CS Professional Study Plan : Let’s imagine that now there are four months for your exam:

  1. Maybe you have gone through your portion. Maybe you have not. It’s okay. Stay calm. Now soon the date will come of filling the exam form. Depending on how much you have managed to do, you need to self-evaluate how many groups you want to go for.
  2. Once you have decided, you need to give yourself one month to study everything well. Now again, this depends on how much time you have. You have to start forcing yourself to study for 6-8 hours at this point, not only because you don’t have time- but also because you have to develop the stamina to work 12-16 hours during the last two months.
  3. In this next one month, study not just to understand the concepts but instead start studying from a strategic point of view. How to remember the difficult chapters, preparing your own notes and flowcharts, checking past papers and understanding the questions asked.

CS Professional Study Plan : Now there are three months for your exam:

  1. Since there are less than 100 days for your exam, you will really start feeling the pressure. This is the time when you should have some sort of stress release- exercising, hobbies, anything- so that you don’t feel drained out.
  2. Again you should assess which parts of your portion require more attention than the rest. For eg. If you have already studied GST or Cost of Capital properly, you don’t need to put in extra time for that. You should start working on subjects that you find tough and try to increase your daily study hours.
  3. By the time there are only two months for the exam, you should have the stamina to study for at least 10-12 hours each day. You should have at least gone through your portion once and you should have started on your extra study material like practice manuals and scanners.

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  1. Most probably your classes are done at this point. Now for the next month, you should have the focus of studying for 12-16 hours, in a productive way. Your approach should be as if you have to give the exam the very next day.
  2. By the time you have only one month left, you should have properly done all your notes at least once- whatever notes you had decided 4-6 months before, like scanners, reference books, PMs.
  3. In the last month, completely focus on revision. Try to study fast while not skipping topics. You should have a good hold on the portion by now. The main point of studying in advance is that you will be able to save time while revising. I would advise that you do not start studying new concepts at this time.
  4. In the last ten days, you have to decide on those things that you will revise now and those things that you will revise one day before the exam.

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT because one day before the exam, it is very stressful to finish 19-20 chapters and you should not feel exhausted. So make your revision strong in the last month and the last ten days. That’s how you can decide how you will revise one day before the exam.

THE MOST IMPORTANT TIPS while following CS Professional Study Plan

 Even if you have only one hour, start studying in that one hour. Don’t tell yourself that you’ll start tomorrow.

 And when you sit to study, don’t say that now you’ll just go through the concept and then you’ll study well next time. Make your hours count. If you really cannot finish a chapter in the given time, don’t rush through it or do it upar upar se. Instead, try to do at least half of it well, so that you will remember at least something the next time.

 Every plan works differently for every person, you don’t have to follow mine. Keep changing your schedule on the basis of your own abilities.

 Don’t lose hope. YOU CAN DO THIS! You just need to plan things out in advance. But you need to start right now. These tips on CS Professional Study Plan will help you out in this, 

 The portion is not so difficult, the problem is that we freak out and start avoiding certain subjects and concepts and that’s why it feels like a huge task in the end.

ï‚· Finally, whenever you are studying something, try to study it in such a way that if someone asks you a random question on it, you can write at least four lines. This has happened in many papers, where random concepts have been asked.

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 FRANKLY, it doesn’t matter how many times you study. It matters that you study well so that you can reproduce in the exam.

 PLAN YOUR SLEEP. In the last month, I was hardly sleeping for 5 hours each day and this had a huge impact on my productivity. Since we have no holidays between papers you need to plan your sleep in accordance with your studies and try to sleep at least six hours each day in the last 2 months. But don’t sleep for 8-9 hours either. You don’t have that much time.

ï‚· RELAX. Have some activity that helps you to relax. Set up some reward at the end of each day to help you stick to your schedule. I would recommend some physical or artistic activity. Watching movies or shows will not help your eyes to relax since you are reading all day anyway.

 DON’T LOSE HOPE. Just do your best and have no regrets. It is not the end of the world. More than the effort you put in to study, your mental peace and stamina will help you more, believe me.

 YOU WILL CRY. At least three times before your exams, you will break down. This is extremely normal. It is difficult. Take help from family and friends. Don’t keep the stress inside, share it.

 YOU ARE MORE THAN THIS ONE EXAM. Don’t attach your self-value to an exam. It is okay to fail if you try your best. Even after hard work, you need the luck to pass. So don’t blame yourself. ALL THE BEST!

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Article Name: CS Professional Study Plan

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