CS Professional Important Topics Group 2 – Unmissable Topics
CS Professional Important Topics Group 2 (50 Most Important Topics): In this article ,We have Shared the list of important topics which should be read by every CS Professional Student before exam. These Important Topics for Group 2 acts as a check list for CS Professional Students who are preparing for group 2 as well as all three groups. We have kept special focus on subjects like Information Technology and Systems Audit & Ethics, Governance and Sustainability. Important topics for Financial ,Treasury and Forex Management is not given in this article as its a completely a practical subject. However Short Note of FTFM is Provided in this Article
CS Professional Important Topics Group 2 :Information Technology and Systems Audit |
50 Most Important Topics from All the Chapters |
1. Define: “Asymmetric crypto system”, Computer contaminant, Encryption. 2. Provisions relating to Digital Signature and/or Electronic Signature and its usage 3. Revocation of Digital Signature Certificate 4. Composition and powers of Cyber Appellate Tribunal 5. Briefly explain the Punishment for publishing or transmitting of material containing sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form as per Section 67 A of The Information technology Act, 2000 6. Data Resources 7. Types Of Information System 8. Management Support Systems 9. Note on Cloud Computing 10. Agile software development 11. What is the difference between (a) Open system and Closed System (b) Physical system and abstract system (c) Formal information system and information system. 12. Note on: Central Processing Unit, Functions of Central Processing unit, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), TYPES OF COMPUTER MEMORY, USB Flash Drive 13. What do you mean by “Cache Memory”? Explain its basic functions. 14. Difference between Primary Memory and Secondary Memory 15. Software Quality Triangle, Antivirus, Registry Cleaners, Backup software, 16. Distinguish among DOS, Windows and Unix operating system 17. Write short note on (a) Time sharing (b) Android operating system (c) Linux (d) Characteristic of strong password (e) Firewall (f) Social Computing 18. What is a data model? 19. What is Data Structure? 20. Hierarchical DBMS, Object-Oriented DBMS 21. Advantages and Disadvantages of Database Management System 22. Write the difference between DBMS and RDBMS? 23. What is Data mining? Compare Data mining and Data Warehousing? 24. Note on Compiler, Interpreter 25. What do you mean by the term ‘Algorithm’? Explain the characteristics of good algorithm 26. Draw a flow chart for calculating the sum of squares of first 10 odd numbers 27. Draw a flowchart to find the smallest of three numbers. 28. Note on : UDP and ICMP, HTTP, 29. Growth of E Commerce in India 30. Development of Mobile Banking and Cashless Economy in India 31. Characteristics of B2B E-commerce 32. What are the term internet and intranet? Are these the same? Discuss 33. What is ‘e-payment portal’? What are the benefits of electronic payment? 34. Write short note on Bluetooth. 35. APPROACHES TO MIS DEVELOPMENT 36. Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) 37. Entrusting Mis In A Corporate Enterprise 38. What do you mean by Decision support system (DSS)? Explain the difference between DSS and MIS 39. State some basic myths about Management information system and the truth behind the misconceptions. 40. Steps In Erp Implementation 41. Who are the major players in ERP implementation? Explain two of them in detail : Learn about: SAP, ORACLE. 42. What do you mean by the term “ERM’? Explain the basic objectives of implementing ERM. 43. Challenges In E-Governance 44. Functions of NeGD 45. SWAN Features 46. National Service Delivery Gateway (NSDG) and its vision 47. What is G2E model of e-governance? 48. Objectives of Information Systems Auditing 49. Explain briefly the following E-Governance model – (i) Governance to citizen (G2C) (ii) Governance to Government (G2G) (iii) Governance to Employee (G2E) 50. Explain the term ‘Expert System’ with its limitations. |
CS Professional Important Topics Group 2 :Ethics, Governance and Sustainability |
Ethics, Governance and Sustainability : PART B |
1. Ethics, Governance and Sustainability 2. Features of Ethics. 3. Theories of Ethics. 4. Scope of Ethics. 5. Advantages of Business Ethics. 6. Organization structure and Ethics. 7. Ethics Programme. 8. Best Practices and features. 9. Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. 10. Credo. 11. Functions of Ethic Committee. 12. Integrity Pact. 13. Whistle Blower and its types. 14. Ethical Dilemma and steps to resolve. 15. Need for Corporate Governance. 16. Kautilya’s fourfold duty of a King. 17. Corporate Governance Theories. 18. Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee. 19. Naresh Chandra Committee. 20. Elements of good Corporate Governance. 21. Disclosures as per Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI Act. 22. Governance Functionaries. 23. Independent Director and Lead Independent Director. 24. Separation of Role of Chairman and CEO. 25. Board Charter. 26. Good Practices in convening Board Meetings. 27. Difference between Directors and Managers. 28. Barriers to visionary leadership. 29. Director Induction and Director Development Programme. 30. Need and Advantages of Committee Management. 31. Audit Committee and all Mandatory Committees. 32. Rights of Shareholder under SEBI( LODR) Reg 2015. 33. Investor Protection in India. 34. Shareholder Activism. 35. Investor Relations. 36. Role of Institutional Investors. 37. Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). 38. CalPers Core Principles. 39. Tools used by Institutional Investors. 40. Stakeholder Engagement and Analysis. 41. Caux Round Table. 42. Clarkson Principles. 43. Types of Risks. 44. Steps in Risk management. 45. ISO 31000 46. Fraud Risk management and Reputation risk. 47. Essentials of Internal Control. 48. Components and Principles of Internal Control. 49. Internal Control – Can Do and Cannot Do. 50. Corporate Governance in Banks. 51. DPE – Corporate Governance in Public Sector Enterprises. |
CS Professional Important Topics Group 2 :Ethics, Governance and Sustainability |
Ethics, Governance and Sustainability : PART B |
1. CSR is not Philanthropy. 2. Why CSR at all. 3. Triple Bottom Line. 4. CSR Voluntary Guidelines and National Voluntary Guidelines. 5. AA 1000, SA 8000 and AISO 26000. 6. CSR Audit. 7. Principle of Sustainable Development. 8. Carbon Footprint, Carbon Offsetting, Global warming, Green washing and Life Cycle Assessment. 9. Corporate Sustainability. 10. KYOSEI. 11. Key drivers of sustainability reporting. 12. GRI reporting principles. 13. Sustainability Indices. 14. Integrated Reporting. 15. Core elements of Integrated Report. 16. United Nation Conference on Environment and Development. 17. RIO Declaration. 18. Kyoto Protocol. 19. Millennium Development Goals. 20. Sustainable Development Goals. 21. Regulatory Frame work of Environment Protection in India. 22. ECO Mark. 23. Ryland v/s Fletcher. 24. Bhopal Gas Disaster case. 25. Ganga Pollution case. 26. Corporate Manslaughter. |
CS Professional Important Topics
Here we are providing subject wise important topics to CS Professional students. See below How to prepare CS Professional Module – 1 Module – 2 and Module – 3. Click below links
Module I
- Advanced Company Law and Practice
- Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management, and Due Diligence
- Corporate Restructuring, Valuation, and Insolvency
Module II
- Information Technology and Systems Audit
- Financial, Treasury and Forex Management
- Ethics, Governance, and Sustainability
Module III
CS Professional Important Chapters
Important Chapters of CS Professional Exam
Here we are providing subject wise important chapters to CS Professional students. See below How to prepare CS Professional Module – 1, Module – 2, Module – 3 and Elective Papers. Click below links
Module I
Paper 1. Advanced Company Law and Practice
Paper 2. Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence
Paper 3. Corporate Restructuring, Valuation and Insolvency
Module II
Paper 4. Information Technology and System Audit
Paper 5. Financial Treasury and Forex Management
Paper 6. Ethics, Governance and Sustainability
Module III