CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics. In the previous post, we have given tips on How to Prepare CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws . Today we are providing important Topics and Questions which should be prepare very well for CS Executive New Syllabus Economic Business Commercial Laws Paper.Scroll Down
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CHAPTER WISE IMPORTANT TOPICS : Part I: Foreign Exchange Management &NBFCs (40 Marks)
Note: As JJune 2020 is 4th Attempt of CS Exams New Syllabus, We are providing you a Broader List of Important Topics so that you do not miss out on anything. Also this List is made keeping into view ICSI Study Material.
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 |
- Functions Of The Reserve Bank
- Instruments of Monetary Policy
- Monetary Policy Committee
- Discuss the Payment and Settlement System of Reserve Bank
- Market Operations
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 |
- Overview of FEMA
- Applicability
- List out the Rules framed under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Foreign Exchange Transactions & Compliances |
- Definition of Capital Account Transaction, Current Account Transaction
- Prohibition on drawal of foreign exchange for certain transactions
- Transactions included in Schedule III
- Capital Account Transaction
- Classes of Capital Account Transactions by Persons Resident in India and person resident outside India
- Modes of acquiring property outside India by a resident
- Acquisition/ transfer of immovable property by a Non- Resident Indian
- Acquisition/ transfer by a Person of Indian Origin (PIO)
- Manner of Repatriation
- Remittances by individuals not being NRIs/ PIOs
- Remittances by NRIs/ PIOs
- Exemption from Realisation or Repatriation
- Authorised Person
- Directorate of Enforcement
- Compounding Of Contraventions
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CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 |
- Prohibition to accept foreign contribution
- Person to whom section 3 does not apply
- Restriction on acceptance of foreign hospitality
- Utilization of foreign contribution
- Which are the organisations/individuals specifically debarred from receiving foreign contribution?
- Grant of certificate of registration
- Cancellation of certificate
- Management of foreign contribution of person whose certificate has been cancelled
- Foreign contribution through scheduled bank
- Appeal
- Explain the concept of ‘organisation of a political nature’ under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010.
- Define ‘foreign contribution” and ‘foreign source’.
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Foreign Direct Investments |
- Eligible Investors Under FDI
- Eligible Investee Entities
- Government Route
- Prohibited Sectors
- FDI in E-Commerce Activities
- FDI in Single Brand Product Retail Trading
- FDI in Multi Brand Retail Trading
- Conditions for Investment in ARC:
- Types Of Instruments That Can Be Used Under FDI
- Prior Permission of RBI in Certain Cases for Transfer of Capital Instruments
- Conversion Of ECB/Lump Sum Fee/Royalty Etc. Into Equity
- Pledge Of Shares
- Reporting Of FDI
- Liaison Office
- Annual Activity Certificate by BO/LO/PO
- Closure of BO/LO/PO
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Overseas Direct Investment |
- Proposal for making Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) under approval route
- ODI transactions that require RBI approval
- Financial Commitment
- Eligibility to make Overseas Direct Investment under the Automatic Route
- Permissible Sources for Funding Overseas Direct Investment
- Overseas investments by proprietorship concerns
- Acquisition/Sale of Foreign Securities by Resident Individual in India
Obligations of Indian party which has made direct investment outside India
- Eligibility criteria for overseas investment by Society and Trust
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CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Liberalized Remittance Scheme |
- Permissible capital account transactions by an individual under LRS
- Permissible Current Account Transactions by an individual under LRS
- Prohibited Transactions
- State the Facilities available to students for pursuing their studies abroad under Liberalized Remittance Scheme.
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) |
- Kinds of ECB
- Minimum Average Maturity Period
- Eligible Borrowers
- Recognised Lenders/Investors
- Individual Limits of ECB
- Conversion of ECB into equity
- Reporting Requirements
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Foreign Trade Policy & Procedure |
- Importer-Exporter Code (IEC) Number/E-IEC
- Mandatory Documents For Export/Import Of Goods From/Into India
- Principles Of Restrictions
- Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS)
- Status Holder
- Advance Authorisation eligibility
- Actual User Condition for Advance Authorisation
- Export Obligation
- Duty Free Import Authorisation Scheme (DFIA) concept, Eligibility Validity & Transferability
- EPCG Scheme
- Export Oriented Units (EOUs), Electronics Hardware Technology Parks (EHTPs), Software Technology Parks (STPs) And Bio-Technology Parks (BTPs) concept and objective, Sub – Contracting, Exit from EOU Scheme
- Quality Complaints/ Trade Disputes
- Committee on Quality complaints and Trade Disputes
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CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs) |
- Registration with RBI
- Types of NBFCs
- Salient features of NBFC regulations which the depositor may note at the time of investment
- Core Investment Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 Registration, Accounting of investments
- Fit and Proper Criteria
- Discuss peer to peer lending
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 |
- Establishment of Special Economic Zone
- Establishment, Approval and Authorization to Operate Special Economic Zone
- Duties, powers and functions of Board of Approval
- Functions of the Development Commissioner
- Powers and Functions of Approval Committee
- What do you mean by Offshore Banking Unit?
- Setting up and operation of Offshore Banking Unit
- Functions of SEZ Authority
- Explain the procedure for establishment of SEZ.
- Special Economic Zones are growth engines. Discuss.
Part II: Competition Law (25 Marks)
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Competition Act, 2002 |
- Definition of Competition
- Definition of Agreement, Cartel, Relevant Geographic Market, Relevant Product Market, Anti Competitive Agreements, Resale price maintenance, Bid rigging is anti-competitive
- Prohibition of abuse of dominant position
- What Is Combination?
- Threshold of Combination and its regulation
- Composition of Commission
- Resignation of Chairperson etc.
- Duties, Powers and Functions of Commission
- Inquiry into certain agreements and dominant position of enterprise
- Inquiry into Combination by Commission
- Orders by Commission after inquiry into agreements or abuse of dominant position
- Division of enterprise enjoying dominant position
- Acts taking place outside India but having an effect on Competition in India
- Duties of Director General
- Competition Advocacy
- Constitution of Fund
Part III: Business & Commercial Laws (35 Marks)
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Consumer Protection Act, 1986 |
- The Basic Rights of Consumers
- Definition of Complainant, Complaint, Consumer, Goods, Service
- Meaning of Defect, Deficiency
- Consumer Protection Councils
- District Forum and its jurisdiction
- State Commission and its jurisdiction
- National Commission and its jurisdiction
- Limitation Period for Filing of Complaint
- Powers of the Redressal Agencies
- Nature and Scope of Remedies under the Act
- Appeal
- Important Consumer Cases
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Essential Commodities Act, 1955 |
- Definition of Essential Commodities
- Powers of Central Government to control production, supply and distribution etc., of essential commodities [Section 3]
- Contents of the Order
- Fixing the Price of Essential Commodities being sold to Government
- Fixing Price for Sugar to be Paid to Producer
- Effect of the Order
- Seizure and Confiscation of Essential Commodities
- Meaning of Seizure and Confiscation
- Cognizance of offences
- Mens rea (Sections 6A and 7)
- Culpable Mental State
- A reasonable opportunity is required to be given to the person concerned before confiscation of his commodities or vehicle etc., under the Act. Elaborate this statement in the light of provisions of the Act.
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Legal Metrology Act, 2009 |
- International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML)
- OIML Certificate System for Measuring Instruments
- Definition of Legal Metrology, Manufacture, Pre-packed Commodity
- Standard Weights And Measures
- Prohibition manufacture, repair or sale of weight or measure without licence
- Write short note on Counterfeit.
- Every non-standard weight and measure used in the course of trade is liable to be forfeited. Comment.
- Enumerate the powers and functions of Controller and Legal Metrology Officer?
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CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Transfer of Property Act, 1882 |
- Definition of Attached to the earth, Reversion and Remainder, Vested and Contingent Interests, Movable and Immovable Property
- Who Can Transfer The Property?
- Attestation
- Restraint On Transfers Or Rule Against Inalienability
- Transfer For Benefit Of Unborn Person
- Conditional Transfer
- Doctrine Of Election
- Transfer By Ostensible Owner Or Doctrine Of Holding Out
- Doctrine Of Fraudulent Transfer
- Doctrine Of Part-Performance
- Properties Which Cannot Be Transferred
- Rule Against Perpetuity
- Doctrine Of Lis Pendens and its elements
- Provisions Relating To Specific Transfers like Sale, Gift, Leases, Mortgages, Charges
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 |
- The objects and reasons for which the Act has been framed
- Salient Features and Advantages
- Prior Registration of Real Estate project with Real Estate Regulatory Authority
- Projects exempt from the ambit of the Act
- Application for Registration of real estate projects
- Extension of registration
- Revocation of registration
- Functions of real estate agents
- Functions and duties of promoter
- Rights and duties of allottees
- The Real Estate Regulatory Authority concept and its functions and powers
- Responsibilities of the ‘Regulatory Authority’
- Establishment of Central Advisory Council and its function
- Establishment of Real Estate Appellate Tribunal and its Power
- Company Secretaries – One Stop Professional Advisory Services for Real Estate Projects
- What is the difference between the term ‘common area’ and ‘carpet area’?
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Benami Transaction Prohibitions (Act) |
- Salient Features
- Definition of Benami Transaction, Benamidar
- Prohibition of benami transactions
- Notice and attachment of property involved in benami transaction
- Adjudication of benami property
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CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Prevention of Money Laundering |
- Process of Money Laundering
- Impact of Money Laundering on Development
- The Vienna Convention
- Basle Committee’s Statement of Principles
- Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
- United Nations Global Programme Against Money Laundering
- Definition of Money Laundering under Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
- Attachment of property involved in money laundering
- Vesting of Property in Central Government
- Obligation of Banking Companies, Financial Institutions and Intermediaries
- Retention of Property
- Offences to be cognizable and Non-bailable
- KYC Policy
- For the purpose of KYC policy, a ‘Customer’ is defined as?
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Indian Contracts Act, 1872 |
- Agreement
- Obligation
- Agreements which are not Contracts
- Essential Elements Of A Valid Contract
- Lapse of Offer
- Standing Offers
- Definition of Consideration
- Privity of Contract
- Kinds of Consideration
- When Consideration not Necessary
- Void Agreement
- Voidable Contract
- Flaws In Contract
- Minor’s Contract
- Alien Enemies
- Contracts Uberrimae Fidei
- Transaction with parda-nishin women
- Consequence of Illegal Agreements
- Wagering Agreements
- When contract becomes void
- Restitution
- Contingent Contract
- Quasi Contracts
- Quantum Meruit
- Discharge Or Termination Of Contracts
- Remedies for Breach of Contract
- Damages for Breach of Contract
- Meaning of Indemnity and Contract of Guarantee
- Kinds of Guarantees
- Discharge of Surety
- Bailment
- Gratuitous Bailment
- Duties of Bailee
- Particular and General Lien
- Pledge
- Pledge by Non-owners
- Creation of Agency
- Del Credere Agent
- Duties of the Agent
- Termination of Agency
- When Agency is Irrevocable
- E-Contract
- Reciprocal promises
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Specific Relief Act, 1963 |
- Who May Sue for Specific Performance
- Contracts which can be specifically enforced
- Specific performance of part of a contract
- Contracts which cannot be specifically enforced
- Recovery Of Possession Of Dispossessed Immovable Property
- Persons Against Whom Specific Performance Cannot Be Enforced
- Discretion Of The Court
- Rescission Of Contracts
- Declaratory Decrees
- Characteristics of an injunction and its types
- Mandatory injunction
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CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Sale of Goods Act, 1930 |
- Contract of Sale of Goods and its essentials
- Distinction between Sale and Agreement to Sell
- Sale and Hire Purchase Agreement
- Goods and its types
- Modes of Fixing Price
- Conditions and Warranties
- Implied Conditions and Warranties
- Doctrine of Caveat Emptor
- Passing of Risk
- Exception to the General Rule
- Rules as to delivery
- Anticipatory Breach
- Unpaid Seller and his rights
- Auction Sales
- Trading Contracts Involving Rail or Sea Transit
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Partnership Act, 1932 |
- Definition of Partnership
- Essentials of a Partnership and True Test of Partnership
- Formation of Partnership
- Partnership Deed
- Classification of Partnership
- Partnership Property
- Kinds of Partners
- Minor Admitted to the Benefits of Partnership and his rights
- Duties of Partners
- Authority of a Partner (Express and Implied)
- Acts beyond Implied Authority
- Dissolution of Partnership and Firm
- Dissolution of the Firm through Court
- Effect of Dissolution
- Sale of Goodwill
- Effects of Non-registration
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 |
- Definition Of A Negotiable Instrument
- Effect of Negotiability
- Important characteristics of negotiable instruments
- Classification of Negotiable Instruments
- Ambiguous Instruments
- Kinds Of Negotiable Instruments
- Distinction between Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note
- When Banker must Refuse Payment
- Protection of Paying Banker
- Payment in due Course
- Collecting Banker
- Modes of Crossing
- Maturity
- Liability of Parties
- Negotiability and Assignability Distinguished
- Endorsement and its classes
- Forged Endorsement
- Notice of Dishonour
- Noting and Protest
- Material Alteration
- Hundis
- Presumptions of Law
- National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) and Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)
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CS Executive New Syllabus Economic Business Commercial Laws :
This subject has been prepared to provide basic understanding of some of the Economic, Business and Commercial laws there under, which have a bearing on the conduct of corporate affairs. It is part of the educational kit and takes the students step by step through each phase of preparation stressing key concepts, principle, pointers and procedures. Company Secretaryship being a professional course, the examination standards are set very high, with emphasis on knowledge of concepts, applications, procedures and case laws.
The subject has been divided into three parts consisting of twenty four lessons. Part I dealing with Foreign Exchange Management & NBFCs whereas Part II dealing with Competition Laws and Part III dealing with Business & Commercial Laws.
Sole reliance on company law is not enough for a CS students, one should also be aware of various other important laws that affect a organisation on daily basis.
CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Important Topics : Important Topics of CS Executive New Syllabus Exam
Here we are providing subject wise important topics to CS Executive students. See below How to prepare CS Executive Module – 1 and Module – 2. Click below links