How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management

Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management

In this article we will provide you Tips on How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management for December 2020 Exam.

In previous Article we have told you about Best CS Executive Financial and Strategic Management Video Lectures. By going through this post, you will be able to approach this subject in a effective way.

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CS Executive Financial and Strategic Management

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Lesson 1: Nature, Significance and Scope of Financial Management

Lesson 1 covers the nature, scope and objectives of Financial Management, risk-return and value of the firm, objective of the firm: profit maximisation vs. wealth maximisation and emerging role of finance managers. Financial Management deals with procurement of funds and its effective utilizations in the business. It is concerned with investment, financing and dividend decisions in relation to objectives of the company. Financial management is very important for an organisation as it brings economic growth and development through investment, financing, dividend and risk management decision which help companies to undertake better projects. Lack of financial management in business will lead to losses and closure of business.

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Lesson 2: Capital Budgeting

This lesson covers time value of money, capital budgeting process, its need and importance, kinds of capital budgeting decisions, capital expenditure control, capital rationing, various methods of capital budgeting- nondiscounted and discounted cash flow techniques, risk evaluation and sensitivity analysis, simulation for risk evaluation and some case studies on capital budgeting. Capital budgeting refers to long-term planning for proposed capital outlays and their financing. Thus, it includes both raising of long-term funds as well as their utilisation. It may, thus, be defined as the firm’s formal process for acquisition and investment of capital. Capital budgeting requires use of various methods including statistical techniques which have been discussed in the chapter.

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Lesson 3: Capital Structure

Capital Structure of a firm is a reflection of the overall investment and financing strategy of the firm. It shows how much reliance is being placed by the firm on external sources of finance and how much internal accruals are being used to finance expansions. Optimal capital structure means arrangement of various components of the structure in tune with both the long-term and short term objectives of the firm. This chapter comprises of nature, scope and significance of capital structure, factors affecting capital structure, capital structure vis a vis financial structure, planning and designing of capital structure, optimal capital structure, capital structure & valuation, theories of capital structure, types of leverage – operating leverage, financial leverage, combined leverage, EBIT-EPS analysis and effect of leverages on return on equity.

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Lesson 4: Sources of Raising Long Term Finance and Cost of Capital

A business requires funds to purchase fixed assets like land and building, plant and machinery, furniture etc. These assets may be regarded as the foundation of a business. The cost of capital is the required rate of return that a firm must achieve in order to cover the cost of generating funds in the marketplace. It is used as a discount rate in determining the present value of future cash flows associated with capital projects. In this lesson we will study Sources of Long Term Finance, cost of capital, factors affecting the cost of capital, calculation of cost of capital of for different sources of finance, calculation of weighted cost of capital and marginal cost of capital.

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Lesson 5: Project Finance

Project decisions are taken by the management with basic objective to maximize returns on the investment being made in a project. Project financing is a loan structure that relies primarily on the project’s cash flow for repayment, with the project’s assets, rights and interests held as secondary security or collateral. In this lesson we will understand the meaning of Project Planning, Project Appraisal by various Financial Institutions, Project Evaluation Technique, Loan Documentation, Loan Syndication – Bridge Loans against Sanctioned Loan, Monitoring the progress of units assisted by the Financial Institutions, Social Cost – Benefit Analysis, Project Review and Control and Follow-up Reports and Procedures.

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Lesson 6: Dividend Policy

Dividend policy determines what portion of earnings will be paid out to stock holders and what portion will be retained in the business to finance long-term growth. Dividend decision is one of the crucial parts of the financial manager, as it determines the amount available for financing the organisation long term growth and it plays very important part in the financial management. This lesson includes types of dividend policies, determinants and constraints of dividend policy, type/ forms of dividend, different dividend theories – Walter’s Model, Gordon’s Model, Modigliani-Miller Hypothesis of Dividend Irrelevance Policy etc.

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Lesson 7: Working Capital

The capital which is required to finance current assets is called working capital. It is the capital of a business which is used to carry out day-to-day business operations of a firm. Working capital is vital for the proper and smooth functioning of an organisation. Therefore, it is very necessary for a corporate professional to know about management of different constituents of working capital. In this lesson we will study the meaning, types, determinants and assessment of working capital requirements, concept of negative working capital, operating cycle concept and applications of quantitative techniques, financing of working capital; Banking norms and macro aspects, cash management, inventories management, receivables management, factoring and forfeiting.

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Lesson 8: Security Analysis

Investment may be defined as a conscious act on the part of a person that involves deployment of money in securities issued by firms with a view to obtain a target rate of return over a specified period of time. Securities are the instruments issued by seekers of funds in the investment market to the providers of funds in lieu of funds. Security analysis is about valuing the securities using publicly available information. In this chapter we will cover the concept of investment and security analysis, investment vs. speculation, risks and its types, approaches to valuation of a security, fundamental analysis, technical analysis and efficient market theory.

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Lesson 9: Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management is the art and science of making decision about investment mix and policy matching investment to objectives, asset allocation and balancing risk against performance. Portfolio Analysis seeks to analyze the pattern of returns emanating from a portfolio of securities, i.e. a number of securities that absorb a proportion of total amount of investment. This chapter covers meaning, objectives; portfolio theory, Traditional Approach; Fixed and Variable Income Securities, Markowitz Portfolio Theory, Modern Approach – CAPM Model, Sharpe Single & Multi Index Model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT), Risk Adjusted Measure of Performance and Economic Value Added.

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Lesson 10: Practical Questions and Case Studies

This lesson includes various practical questions and case studies on lessons covered. Ample solved illustrations have been provided in this chapter to provide the students with the methodology for solving the questions efficiently

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Chapter 11 : Introduction to Management

Management is an indispensable facet of the economic life of all human beings and of every business organisation too. This is so because, it is concerned with leading and effective utilization of financial resources of aof human, physical and business, so that the set objectives and goals may be accomplished in a desired manner. The object of this chapter is to enable the students to understand the concept and features of management, its various theories propounded by management researchers from time to time and most importantly, the functions of management.

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Chapter 12 : Introduction to Strategic Management

Strategic Management is a discipline that deals with long-term development of an organisation with a clear-cut vision about organisational purpose, scope of activities and objectives. It provides overall direction to the organisation and includes specifying the organization’s objectives, developing policies and plans designed to accomplish these objectives, allocating resources to for the implementation of such plans. The purpose of this chapter is to understand the concept of strategic management and its process. This chapter also enables the reader to understand the functions performed by a strategic leader and the environmental influences of business.

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Chapter 13 : Business Policy and Formulation of Functional Strategy

This chapter throws a light on the core concepts of business policy. Business Policy is the study of the functions and responsibilities of senior management, the crucial problems that affect success in the total enterprise and the decisions that determine the direction of the organisation and shape its future. It describes in detail about the roles and responsibilities of top level management, significant issues affecting organizational success and the decisions affecting organization in long-run. The objective of this chapter is to enable the students to understand the concepts related to business policy.

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Chapter 14 : Strategic Analysis and Planning

This chapter studies strategic analysis and planning for providing overall direction to the organisation and specifying the organization’s objectives, developing policies and plans designed to achieve these objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the plans. All this requires a careful analysis of the vision, mission, objectives, goals and resources of the organisation and in-depth analysis of the external environment.

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Chapter 15 : Strategic Implementation and Control

The implementation of policies and strategies is concerned with the design and management of systems to achieve the best integration of people, structures, processes and resources in reaching organization objectives. Strategy implementation may also consist of securing resources, organizing these resources and directing the use of these resources within and outside the organization. A good strategy without effective implementation can hardly be expected to succeed in the performance. Implementation of strategy in an organization covers a number of inter-related decisions, choices, and a broad range of activities such as the commitments and cooperation of all units, sections and departments. The objective of this chapter is to assist the students to understand the issues in Strategy Implementation; various organizational structures and strategy implementation; and concepts of strategic change and control.

How to Prepare CS Executive Financial Strategic Management : Chapter 16 : Analysing Strategic Edge

In order to boost effectiveness and produce higher quality products for end customer, it is important to analyse strategic edge. This is also important for enabling new business growth and expansion and also to save cost by improving efficiency in the production process.

The objective of this chapter is : 

to assist the students to understand the tools and techniques of strategic management such as

  • Business Process Reengineering,
  • Benchmarking,
  • Total Quality Management
  • Six Sigma etc.

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