CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures for June & December 2020 Exam
CSCARTINDIA Provides New Syllabus CS Executive Jurisprudence, Interpretation and General Laws Video Classes in both Online and Offline mode by Best Faculties and Institutes in India. These Video Classes are specifically recorded for CS Executive New Syllabus Students who are appearing in June 2020 Exam and December 2020 Exam.Check out below for Jurisprudence, Interpretation and General Laws Video Lectures.
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We have provided the chapter wise index for this subject below
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 1 : SOURCES OF LAW |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
Introduction, Natural School, Positivistic Definition of Law, Historical Definition of Law, Sociological definition of Law, Realist Definition of Law, Significance of law, Sources of Indian law, Principle sources of Indian law, Customs or Customary Law, Classification of Customs, Requisites of a Valid Custom, Judicial decision or Precedents, High Courts, Supreme Court, Kinds of Precedents, Doctrine of Stare Decisis, Ratio decidendi, Statutes or Legislation, Personal Law, Secondary source of Indian Law, Justice, Equity and Good Conscience, Sources of English Law, Mercantile or Commercial Law, Sources of Mercantile Law, Mercantile Law in India, Sources of Indian Mercantile Law, Jurisprudence, Legal Theory |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 2 : CONSTITUTION OF INDIA |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
Broad Framework of the Constitution, Preamble, Structure, Peculiar Features of Indian Federalism, Fundamental Rights, The Concept of Fundamental Rights, Inclusion of Fundamental Rights in Part III of the Constitution, Definition of State, Justifiability of Fundamental Rights, Scope of Article 14, Article 21A: Right to Education, Protection against arrest and detention, Directive principles of state policy, Ordinance making powers, Legislative powers of the union and the states, Freedom of trade, commerce and intercourse, Constitutional provisions relating to state monopoly, The judiciary, Writ Jurisdiction of High Courts and Supreme Court, Types of Writs, Delegated legislation, Separation of powers, Legislative functions, Parliamentary committees, |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 3 : INTERPRETATION OF STATUTES |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
Introduction, Need for and Object of Interpretation, General Principles of Interpretation, Primary Rules, Other Rules of Interpretation, Presumptions, Internal and External Aids in Interpretation |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 4 : GENERAL CLAUSES ACT, 1897 |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
Introduction, Key Definitions, Application of foregoing definitions to previous enactment, Application of certain definitions to Indian laws, General Rule of Construction, Kinds of Rule of Construction and Interpretation, Retrospective Amendments, Powers and Functions, Power as to Orders, Rules etc., made under Enactments |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 5 : ADMINISTRATIVE LAW |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
Introduction, Need for Administrative Law, Sources of Administrative Law, Administrative Discretion, Judicial Control over Administrative Actions, Principles of Natural Justice, Liability |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 6 : LAW RELATING TO TORTS |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
Law relating to torts, General Conditions of Liability for a Tort, Kinds of Tortious Liability, Torts or wrongs to personal safety and freedom, Remedies in Torts |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 7 : LIMITATION ACT, 1963 |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
Law relating to Limitation, Computation of the Period of Limitation for different types of Suits, Bar of Limitation, Extension of time in certain cases, Continuous running of Time, Computation of Period of Limitation, Effect of acknowledgement on the Period of Limitation, ct of payment on account of Debt or of Interest on Legacy,Computation of time mentioned in Instruments, Acquisition of ownership by Possession, Limitation and writs under the Constitution, The Schedule |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 8 : THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, 1908 |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
Introduction, Aim and Scope of Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Scheme of the Code, Some Important Terms, Structure of Civil Courts, Jurisdiction of Courts and Venue of Suits, Stay of Suit, Place of Suing (Territorial), Res Judicata, Set-off, Counter claim and Equitable set-off, Temporary Injuctions and Interlocutory Orders, Detention, Preservation, Inspection, etc. of subject-matter of Suit, Institution of Suit, Important stages in proceedings of a Suit … 198 Delivery of Summons by Court, Appeals, Reference, Review and Revision, Suits by or against Corporation, Suits by or against Minors, Summary Procedure |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 9 : INDIAN PENAL CODE 1860 |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
Introduction, Jurisdiction of Indian Penal Code, 1860, The Fundamental Elements of Crime, The Stages of Crime, Criminal conspiracy, Criminal Breach of Trust, Cheating, Punishment for cheating, Dishonest or fraudulent execution of deed, Forgery, Defamation, Punishment for defamation, Printing or engraving matter known to be defamatory, Sale of printed or engraved substance containing defamatory matter, General exceptions, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS, |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 10 : THE CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, 1973 |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
THE CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, 1973, Introduction, Important Definitions, Classes of Criminal Courts, Power of Courts, Arrest of Persons, Summons and Warrants, Summons, Warrant of Arrest, Proclamation and Attachment, Summons to Produce, Search Warrant, Security for keeping the peace and good behaviour, Preventive action of the police and their powers to Investigate, Information to the police and their powers to Investigate, Powers of Magistrate, Limitation for taking cognizance of certain Offences, Summary Trials, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 11 : INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT, 1872 |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT, 1872, Law relating to Evidence, Relevancy of facts connected with the fact to be Proved, Statements about the Facts to be Proved, Admissions and Confessions, Statement by Persons who cannot be called as Witnesses, Statements made under Special Circumstances, Opinion of Third Persons when Relevant, Opinions of Experts, Facts which support or are inconsistent with the opinions of Experts, Oral, Documentary and Circumstantial Evidence, Presumptions, Estoppel, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 12 : SPECIAL COURTS, TRIBUNALS UNDER COMPANIES ACT &OTHER LEGISLATIONS |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT, 1872, Law relating to Evidence, Relevancy of facts connected with the fact to be Proved, Statements about the Facts to be Proved, Admissions and Confessions, Statement by Persons who cannot be called as Witnesses, Statements made under Special Circumstances, Opinion of Third Persons when Relevant, Opinions of Experts, Facts which support or are inconsistent with the opinions of Experts, Oral, Documentary and Circumstantial Evidence, Presumptions, Estoppel, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 13 : ARBITRATION AND CONCILIATION ACT, 1996 |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT, 1872, Law relating to Evidence, Relevancy of facts connected with the fact to be Proved, Statements about the Facts to be Proved, Admissions and Confessions, Statement by Persons who cannot be called as Witnesses, Statements made under Special Circumstances, Opinion of Third Persons when Relevant, Opinions of Experts, Facts which support or are inconsistent with the opinions of Experts, Oral, Documentary and Circumstantial Evidence, Presumptions, Estoppel, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 14 : INDIAN STAMP ACT, 1899 |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT, 1872, Law relating to Evidence, Relevancy of facts connected with the fact to be Proved, Statements about the Facts to be Proved, Admissions and Confessions, Statement by Persons who cannot be called as Witnesses, Statements made under Special Circumstances, Opinion of Third Persons when Relevant, Opinions of Experts, Facts which support or are inconsistent with the opinions of Experts, Oral, Documentary and Circumstantial Evidence, Presumptions, Estoppel, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 15 : REGISTRATION ACT, 1908 : REGISTRATION OF DOCUMENTS |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT, 1872, Law relating to Evidence, Relevancy of facts connected with the fact to be Proved,
Statements about the Facts to be Proved, Admissions and Confessions, Statement by Persons who cannot be called as Witnesses, Statements made under Special Circumstances, Opinion of Third Persons when Relevant, Opinions of Experts, Facts which support or are inconsistent with the opinions of Experts, Oral, Documentary and Circumstantial Evidence, Presumptions, Estoppel, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 16 : RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2005 |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT, 1872, Law relating to Evidence, Relevancy of facts connected with the fact to be Proved,
Statements about the Facts to be Proved, Admissions and Confessions, Statement by Persons who cannot be called as Witnesses, Statements made under Special Circumstances, Opinion of Third Persons when Relevant, Opinions of Experts, Facts which support or are inconsistent with the opinions of Experts, Oral, Documentary and Circumstantial Evidence, Presumptions, Estoppel, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS |
CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 17 : INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACT, 2000 |
Topics Covered in this Chapter |
INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT, 1872, Law relating to Evidence,
Relevancy of facts connected with the fact to be Proved, Statements about the Facts to be Proved, Admissions and Confessions, Statement by Persons who cannot be called as Witnesses, Statements made under Special Circumstances, Opinion of Third Persons when Relevant, Opinions of Experts, Facts which support or are inconsistent with the opinions of Experts, Oral, Documentary and Circumstantial Evidence, Presumptions, Estoppel, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS |