CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures for June & December 2020 Exam

CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures

CSCARTINDIA Provides CS Executive New Syllabus Economic Business and Commercial Laws Video Classes in both Online and Offline mode by Best Teacher’s and Institutes in India. These Video Classes are specifically recorded for CS Executive New Syllabus Students who are appearing in June 2020 Exam and December 2020 Exam.Check out below for Best Economic Business and Commercial Laws Video Classes Video Lectures.

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CS Executive New Syllabus Group 2 Video Lectures

1. CS Executive Company Law New Syllabus Video Lectures


2. CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures


3. CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures


4. CS Executive New Syllabus Tax Laws Video Lectures

1. CS Executive Corporate Management Accounting Video Lectures


2. CS Executive Securities Laws Capital Markets Video Lectures


3. CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures


4. CS Executive Financial Strategic Management Video Lectures

We have provided the chapter wise index for this subject below

CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 1 : Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Establishment and incorporation of Reserve Bank, Organisational Structure & Management, Central Board of Directors, Local Boards, Offices and Branches, Functions of the Reserve Bank, Right to issue bank notes, Denominations of notes, Form of bank notes, Legal tender character of notes, Currency Distribution, Combating Counterfeiting, Bank exempt from stamp duty on bank notes, Powers of Central Government to supersede Central Board, Issue of demand bills and notes, Banker to the Central Government & State Governments, Management of Public Debt, Reserve Bank as Banker to Banks, Financial Regulation and Supervision, Prudential Norms for Banks,  Foreign Exchange Reserves Management, Transactions in foreign exchange, Market Operations, Payment and Settlement Systems, Monetary Policy Management, Monetary Policy Framework, Instruments of Monetary Policy, Constitution of Monetary Policy Committee, Meetings of Monetary Policy Committee, Power to make rules, Penalties


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 2 : Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999

Topics Covered in this Chapter
LESSON ROUND UP SELF TEST QUESTIONS Lesson, Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 Historical Background, Overview of FEMA, Applicability, Overall Scheme, Structure, The Rules under FEMA, The Regulations under FEMA, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 3 : Foreign Exchange Transactions & Compliances

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Foreign Exchange Transactions and Compliances Important definition, Regulation and management of Foreign Exchange, Current Account Transactions, Capital account transaction, Acquisition and transfer of immovable property outside India by a person resident in India, Acquisition and transfer of immovable property in India, Realization, repatriation and surrender of foreign currency, Remittance of assets, Possession and retention of foreign currency or foreign coins, Authorized person, Power of Reserve Bank to issue direction, Adjudication and Appeal, Appeal to High Court, Directorate of Enforcement, Investigation, Contravention by company, Compounding of Contraventions, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 4 : Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Definitions, Regulation of Foreign Contribution and Foreign Hospitality, Prohibition to accept foreign contribution, Person to  hom section 3 does not apply, Procedure to notify an organization of a political nature, Restriction on acceptance of foreign  ospitality, Prohibition to transfer foreign contribution to other person, Utilization of foreign contribution, Power of Central  overnment to prohibit receipt of foreign contribution, Power to prohibit payment of currency received in contravention of the Act, Registration of certain persons with Central Government, Grant of certificate of registration, Suspension of certificate, Cancellation of certificate, Renewal of certificate, Application for Renewal, Accounts, intimation, audit and Disposal  f  ssets, Foreign contribution through scheduled bank, Intimation, Maintenance of accounts, Order for Audit of accounts, Intimation by candidate for election, Disposal of assets created out of foreign contribution, Inspection, Search and  eizure, Seizure of accounts or records, Adjudication of confiscation, Appeal, Penalty and Punishment, Offences by companies, Composition of certain offences, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS   


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 5 : Foreign Direct Investments – Regulations & FDI Policy

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Entry routes for investment, Competent Authority, Instruments for Investments, Prohibited sectors, Permitted sectors, Conditions of FDI in major sector, Types of instruments, Issue/ transfer of shares, Conversion of ECB/lump sum fee/royalty etc. Into equity, Issue of rights/bonus shares, Acquisition of shares under scheme of merger/demerger/amalgamation, Issue of employees stock option scheme (ESOPs) / sweat equity, Pledge of shares, Modes of payment allowed for receiving FDI in an Indian company, Reporting of FDI, Adherence to guidelines/orders, Penalties, Adjudication and appeals, Compounding proceedings, Establishment of branch office (BO)/ liaison office (LO)/ project office (PO) in India, Branch Office, Liaison Office, Project Office, General criteria, Procedure for Establishment, Opening of bank account by BO/LO/PO, Annual Activity Certificate by BO/LO/PO, Extension of validity period of the approval of LO and PO, Registration with police authorities, Re ittance of profit/surplus, Transfer of assets of BO/LO/PO, Checklist for BO/LO/PO, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 6 : Overseas Direct Investment

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Overseas Direct Investment Introduction, Approval Route, Page Forward the proposal for making Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) under approval route, ODI transactions that require RBI approval, Eligible to make Overseas Direct Investment under the Automatic Route, Permissible Sources for Funding Overseas Direct Investment, Indian company make investment in a JV/WOS abroad in the financial services sector,  Overseas investments by proprietorship concerns and registered Trust/ Society, Proprietorship Concerns, Registered Trusts and Societies, Resident individual in India acquire/sell foreign securities, Resident individual acquire shares of a foreign company in his capacity as Director, Indian Mutual Funds for investment abroad, Obligations of the Indian party which has made direct investment outside India, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 7 : Liberalized Remittance Scheme

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Liberalized Remittance Scheme Introduction, The permissible capital account transactions by an individual under LRS, The permissible Current Account Transactions by an individual under LRS, Documentation by the remitter, Remittance Facilities to Persons Other Than Individuals, Commission to agents abroad for sale of residential flats or commercial plots in India, Remittances towards consultancy services, Remittances towards re-imbursement of pre-incorporation expenses, Payment of fees in foreign currency – Embassy affiliated educational institutions, Remittance towards payments of collected subscription to overseas TV Media Company, Bids in foreign currency for projects to be executed in India, Remittances for making tour arrangements by agents, Prohibited Transactions, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 8 : External Commercial Borrowings (ECB)

Topics Covered in this Chapter
External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) Introduction, Forms of ECB, Available routes for raising ECB, Minimum Average Maturity Period, Eligible Borrowers, Individual Limits of ECB, End-use prescriptions, Conversion of ECB into equity, Exchange rate for conversion of ECB dues into equity, Procedure of raising ECB, Reporting Requirements, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS,


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 9 : Foreign Trade Policy & Procedure

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Foreign Trade Policy and Procedures Introduction, Focus of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), Legal Basis of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), Amendment to Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), Transitional Arrangements, Definitions, Importer Exporter Code Number (IEC No), Principles of Restriction, Export and Import of Restricted Goods/Services, Merchandise Export from India Schemes (MEIS), Service Exports from India Schemes (SEIS), Status Holder, Status Category, Duty Exemption/Remission Schemes, Advance Authorisation for Spices, Eligible Applicant/Export/Supply, Value Addition, Domestic sources of Inputs, Currency for Realisation of Export Proceeds, Export Obligation, Export Obligation, Export Oriented Units (EOUs), Electronics Hardware Technology Parks (EHTPs), Software Technology Parks (STPs) and Bio-Technology Parks (BTPs), Abroad/Duty Free Shops, Personal Carriage of Import/Export Parcels including through, Proceedings under CQCTD, Page, Procedures to deal with Complaints and Trade Disputes, Corrective Measures, LESS N ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS,


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 10 : Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs)

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs), Introduction, Registration with RBI, Types/Categories of NBFCs registered with RBI, Asset Finance Company (AFC), Investment Company (IC), Loan Company (LC), Infrastructure Finance Company (IFC), Systemically Important Core Investment Company (CIC-ND-SI), Infrastructure Debt Fund-Non- Banking Financial Company (IDF-NBFC), Non-Banking Financial Company – Micro Finance Institution (NBFC-MFI), Non-Banking Financial Company – Factors (NBFC-Factors), Mortgage Guarantee Companies (MGC), NBFC- Non-Operative Financial Holding Company (NOFHC), Powers of the Reserve Bank, Prudential Regulations applicable to NBFCs, Salient features of NBFC regulations which the depositor may note at the time of investment, Returns to be submitted by deposit taking NBFCs, Returns to be submitted by NBFCs-ND-SI, Interest rate charge by NBFC, Core Investment Companies (Reserve Bank) 


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 11 : Special Economic Zones Act, 2005

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Special Economic Zones Act, 2005, Introduction, Definitions, Establishment of Special Economic Zone, Establishment, Approval and Authorization to Operate, Special Economic Zone, Guidelines for notifying Special Economic Zone, The Processing and Non-Processing areas, Exemption from taxes, duties or cess, Constitution of Board of Approval, Duties, powers and functions of Board of Approval, Suspension of letter of approval and transfer of Special Economic, Zone in certain cases, Development Commissioner, Functions of the Development Commissioner, Constitution of Approval Committee, Powers and Functions of Approval Committee, Setting up of Unit, Cancellation of letter of approval granted to entrepreneur, Setting up and operation of Offshore Banking Unit, Setting up of International Financial Services Centre, Single application form, return, etc., Agency to inspect, Single enforcement officer or agency for notified offences, Investigation, Inspection, Search or Seizure, Designated Courts to try suits and notified ffences, Appeal to High Court, Offences by Companies, Transfer of ownership and removal of goods, Domestic clearance by Units, Special Economic Zone Authority, Functions of Authority, Directions by the Central Government, Returns and reports by the Authority, Power of the Central Government to Supersede Authority, Reference of Dispute and Limitation, Person to whom a communication to be sent, Power of the Central Government to modify provisions of the Act, Power of State Government to grant exemption, SEZ Act to have overriding effect, Special Economic Zones Rules, 2006, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 12 : Competition Act, 2002

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Competition Act, 2002 Introduction, Definition of Competition, Competition and Economic Efficiency, Competition Law and Policy, Competition Regime in India, Economic Reforms and Competition, Competition Law—Evaluation and Development, Background to the MRTP Act, 1969, MRTP (Amendment) Act, 1991, Scope and Applicability of the MRTP Act, Monopolistic Trade Practices, Restrictive Trade Practices, Unfair Trade Practices, Consumer Protection Law in India, Recommendations of Sachar Committee, Competition Act, 2002, Definitions, Anti-Competitive Agreements, Prohibition of abuse of Dominant Position, Combinations, Regulation of Combinations, Competition Commission of India, Inquiry into certain agreements and dominant position of enterprise, Inquiry into Combination by Commission, Reference by a statutory authority, Meetings of Commission, Procedure for inquiry on complaints under section 19, Orders by Commission after inquiry into Agreements or, Abuse of Dominant Position, Division of Enterprise Enjoying Dominant Po ition, Procedure for investigation of combination, Inquiry into disclosures under Section 6(2), Orders of Commission on certain combinations, Appearance before Commission, Power of Commission to regulate its own procedure, Rectification of orders, Execution of orders of the Commission Imposing Monetary Penalty, Duties of Director General, Penalties,
Compensation in case of Contravention of Orders of Commission, Contravention by companies, Competition Advocacy, Finance, Accounts and Audit, Competition Appellate Tribunal, Appeal to Supreme Court, Miscellaneous, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 13 : Consumer Protection Act, 1986:

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Introduction, Genesis of Consumer Protection Laws, Basic Rights of Consumers, Definitions, Consumer Protection Councils, Redressal Machinery under the Act, District Forum, State Commission, National Commission, Complaints before the District Forum and State Commission, Limitation period for filing of complaint, Powers of the Redressal Agencies, Nature and scope of remedies under the Act, Appeal, Penalties, Gist of Important Consumer Cases, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 14 : Essential Commodities Act, 1955

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Essential Commodities Act, 1955, Introduction, Object and scope of the Act, Definitions, Page, Essential Commodities, Authorities responsible to administer the Act, Powers of the Central Government to control production, supply and distribution etc., of essential commodities, Power to issue orders, Fixing the price of essential commodities being sold to Government, Fixing the price of essential commodities during emergency, Payment of procurement price for food grains and edible oils, Fixing price for sugar to be paid to producer, Power to appoint Authorised Controller, Imposition of duties on State Government, Delegation of powers, Nature of Order passed under the Act, Effect of the Order, Presumption as to Orders, Burden of proof in certain cases, Protection for acts done in pursuance of order, Confiscation of essential commodities, Seizure and confiscation of essential commodities, Sale of the confiscated commodity, Disposal of sale proceeds of confiscated goods, Issue of show cause notice before confiscat on of essential commodity, Appeal against confiscation order, Confiscation and punishment, Bar of Jurisdiction in the matters of confiscation, Offences and Penalties, Cognizance of Offences, Prosecution of Public Servants, Penalties, Mens rea (Sections 6A and 7), Attempt and Abetment, False Statement, Offences by Companies, Publication of names of convicted companies by Court, Grant of Injunction by Civil Courts, LESSON ROUND UP , SELF TEST QUESTIONS, 


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 15 : Legal Metrology Act, 2009

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Legal Metrology Act, 2009, Introduction, International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML), OIML Certificate System for Measuring Instruments, Definitions, Legal Metrology, Standard weights and measures, Power of inspection, seizure, Forfeiture, Manufacturers etc., to maintain records and registers, Declarations on pre-packaged commodities, Approval of model, Prohibition manufacture, repair or sale of weight or measure without licence, Offences and penalties, Penalty for counterfeiting or seals, Compounding of offence, Offences by companies, Power of the Central Government to make rules, Power of State Government to make rules, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 16 : Transfer of Property Act, 1882

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Transfer of Property Act, 1882 Introduction, Important Definitions, Moveable and Immovable Property, Rules relating to Transfer of Property (Whether moveable or immovable, Who can transfer the Property, Subject Matter of Transfer, Formalities of Transfer, Restraint on Transfers or Rule against Inalienability, Transfer for benefit of Unborn Person, Conditional Transfer, Doctrine of Election, Transfer by Ostensible Owner or Doctrine of Holding Out, Doctrine of Feeding the Grant by Estoppel, Doctrine of Fraudulent Transfer, Doctrine of Part-Performance, Properties which cannot be Transferred, Rule against Perpetuity, Accumulation of Income, Doctrine of Lis Pendens, Provisions relating to Specific Transfers, Sale, Exchange, Gift,
Leases, Meaning and Nature of Lease, Lease and Licence, Formalities, Types of Tenancies, Requirements of a valid Notice, Determination of Leases, Duties of the Lessor, Duties of the Lessee, Rights of the Lessee, Actionable Claims, Definition, Non-actionable Claims, Mortgages, Definition and nature of Mortgage, Essentials of a Mortgage, Form of a Mortgage Contract, Kinds of Mortgages, Sub-Mortgage, Puisne Mortgage, Rights of Mortgagor, Implied Contract by Mortgagor, Rights of Mortgagee and his Remedies, Charges, Meaning of Charge, Charge by Act of Parties, Charge by Operation of Law Floating Charge, Distinction between Mortgage and Charge, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS,


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 17 : Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, Introduction, Salient Features of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016,

Advantages of RERA (Real Estate Development and Regulation Act), Important Definitions,

Registration of real estate project and Registration of real estate agents,

Prior Registration of Real Estate project with Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Projects exempt from the ambit of the Act

Application for Registration of real estate projects, Granting of Registration by the Authority,

Revocation of registration, Registration of real estate agents, Functions of real estate agents,

Functions and duties of promoter, Adherence to sanctioned plans and project specifications by the promoter,

Obligations of promoter in case of transfer of a real estate project to a third party, Rights and duties of allottees,

Establishment and incorporation of Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Responsibilities of the ‘Regulatory Authority, Establishment of Central Advisory Council,

Functions of C ntral Advisory Council, Establishment of Real Estate Appellate Tribunal, Powers of Tribunal,


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 18 : Benami Transaction Prohibitions (Act)

Topics Covered in this Chapter
The Benami Transactions Prohibition Act Introduction, Important Definitions, Prohibition of benami transactions, Prohibition of the right to recover property held benami, Property held benami liable to confiscation, Prohibition on re-transfer of property by benamidar, Notice and attachment of property involved in benami transaction, Manner of service of notice, Adjudication of benami property, Confiscation and vesting of benami property, Management of properties confiscated, Possession of the property, Appellate Tribunal, Appeal to High Court, Special Courts, Offences and Prosecution, Offences by Companies, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 19 : Prevention of Money Laundering

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Prevention of Money Laundering Introduction, Process of Money Laundering, Impact of Money laundering on the Development, Prevention of Money laundering—Global Initiatives, Prevention of Money laundering—Indian Initiatives, Prevention of Money laundering Act, 2002, Major Provisions of the Act, Definitions, Adjudicating Authority, Obligation of Banking Companies, Financial Institution and Intermediaries, Summon, Searches and Seizures etc., Retention of Property, Presumption in inter-connected transactions, Appellate Tribunal, Special Courts, Offences triable by Special Courts, Offences to be cognizable and non-bailable, Power of Central Government to issue directions, Agreement with Foreign Countries, Assistance to a Contracting state in Certain Cases, Reciprocal arrangements for Processes and assistance for transfer of accused Persons, Know Your Customer Guidelines, Objective of KYC Guidelines, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 20 : Indian Contracts Act, 1872

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Indian Contract Act, 1872, Meaning and Nature of Contract, Essential Elements of a Valid Contract,
Offer or Proposal and Acceptance, Intention to Create Legal Relations
Consideration, Whether Gratuitous Promise can be Enforced, Flaws in Contract, Flaw in capacity – Capacity and Persons, Mistake, Misrepresentation.
Wilful Misrepresentation or Fraud, Coercion, Undue Influence, Legality of Object,
Agreements in Restraint of Trade Void, Wagering Agreements, Void Agreements, Restitution, Contingent Contract,
Certain Relations Resembling Those of Contracts (Quasi-Contracts),
Remedies for Breach, Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee,
Contract of Bailment and Pledge, Bailment, Pledge, Law of Agency, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS   


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 21 : Specific Relief Act, 1963

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Introduction, Scope of the Act, Who May Sue for Specific Performance, Recovery of Possession of Movable and Immovable Property, Persons against whom Specific Performance Available, Persons against whom specific performance cannot be enforced, Discretion of the Court, Rectification of Instruments, Rescission of Contracts, Cancellation of Instruments, Declaratory Decrees, Preventive Reliefs, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 22 : Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Sale of Goods Act, 1930, Contract of Sale of Goods, Distinction between Sale and Agreement to Sell, Sale and Bailment, Sale and Contract for Work and Labour, Sale and Hire Purchase Agreement, Subject matter of Contract of Sale of Goods, Price, Conditions and Warranties, Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Passing of Property or Transfer of Ownership, Transfer of Title by Person not the Owner, Performance of the Contract of Sale, Unpaid Seller, Auction Sales, Trading Contracts involving Rail or Sea Transit, LESSON ROUND UP SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 23 : Partnership Act, 1932

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Indian Partnership Act, 1932, Introduction, Definitions, Essentials of a Partnership and True Test of Partnership, Formation of Partnership, Partnership Deed, Classification of Partnership, Co-ownership and Partnership, Hindu Joint Family, Firm and Partnership, Company and Partnership, Change in a Firm, Partnership Property, Kinds of Partners, Minor Admitted to the Benefits of Partnership, Rights of Minor, Liabilities of Minor, Relation of Partners to one another, Rights of Partners, Duties of Partners, Relation of Partners to Third Parties, Authority of a Partner, Implied Authority of a Partner, No implied Authority, Extent of Partner Liability, Liability of the Firm for Torts, Liability of an Incoming Partner, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures : Chapter 24 : Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, Definition of a Negotiable Instrument, Important Characteristics of Negotiable Instruments, Classification of Negotiable Instruments, Kinds of Negotiable Instruments, Banker, Customer, Liability of a Banker, When Banker must Refuse Payment, When Banker may Refuse Payment, Protection to Paying Banker, Payment in Due Course, Collecting Banker, Over-due, Stale or Out-of-date Cheques, Liability of Endorser, Rights of Holder against Banker, Crossing of Cheques, Modes of Crossing, Not Negotiable Crossing, Maturity, Holder, Holder in Due Course, Capacity of Parties, Liability of Parties, Negotiation, Negotiability and Assignability Distinguished, Importance of Delivery, Negotiation by Mere Delivery, Endorsement, Negotiation Back, Negotiation of Lost Instrument or that Obtained by Unlawful Means, Forged Endorsement, Acceptance of a Bill of Exchange, Acceptance for Honour, Presentment for Acceptance, Presentment for Acceptance when Excused, Presentment for Payments, Presentment for Pa ments when Excused, Dishonour by Non-Acceptance, Dishonour by Non-Payment, Notice of Dishonour, Notice of Dishonour Unnecessary, Noting and Protest, Discharge, Material Alteration, Retirement of a Bill under Rebate, Hundis, Presumptions of Law, Payment of interest in case of dishonour, Penalities in case of dishonour of cheques, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS,
