CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures for June & December 2020 Exam

CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures

CSCARTINDIA Provides New Syllabus CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities and Closure Video Lectures in both Online and Offline mode by Best Faculties and Institutes in India. These Video Classes are specifically recorded for CS Executive New Syllabus Students who are appearing in June 2020 Exam and December 2020 Exam.Check out below for Best CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities and Closure Video Lectures.

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For Other Subjects Video Lectures, Click on Below mentioned Subjects

CS Executive New Syllabus Group 1 Video Lectures

CS Executive New Syllabus Group 2 Video Lectures

1. CS Executive Company Law New Syllabus Video Lectures


2. CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures


3. CS Executive Jurisprudence Interpretation General Laws Video Lectures


4. CS Executive New Syllabus Tax Laws Video Lectures

1. CS Executive Corporate Management Accounting Video Lectures


2. CS Executive Securities Laws Capital Markets Video Lectures


3. CS Executive Economic Business Commercial Laws Video Lectures


4. CS Executive Financial Strategic Management Video Lectures

We have provided the chapter wise index for this subject below

CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 1 : Choice of a Business Organisation

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Choice of Business Organisation, Factors governing the decisions for suitable form of organization, Nature of business activity, Scale of operations, Capital requirements, Managerial Ability, Degree of control and management, Degree of risk and liability, Stability of business, Flexibility of administration, Division of profit, Costs, procedure, and government regulation, Tax implication, Geographical mobility, Transferability of ownership, Managerial Needs, Secrecy, Independence, LESSON ROUND-UP, SELF-TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 2 : Types of Companies

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Introduction, Classification of Companies, Private Company, Characteristics of Private Limited Company, Incorporation of a Private Company, Privileges and Exemptions of Private Company, Public Company, Characteristics of Public Company, Incorporation of a Public Company, One Person Company (OPC), Background of OPC, Status of OPC in other countries, Incorporation of OPC, Difference between a Sole Proprietorship and an OPC, Position of OPC in India under the Companies Act, 2013, Rule 3 of Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 – One Person Company, Contract by One Person Company, Privileges of One Person Company, Benefits of One Person Company, NIDHI Companies, Origin of the Concept in India, Prevailing Regulatory Aspects of NIDHI, Incorporation of NIDHI, Requirements for minimum number of members and net owned funds, Return of statutory compliances by NIDHI Companies, General restrictions or prohibitions, Share capital and allotment, Membership of NIDHI, Branches of NIDHI
Acceptance of Deposits, Un-encumbered term deposits by NIDHI, Loans by NIDHI, Rate of interest on any loan given by a NIDHI, Directors in a NIDHI Company, Dividend, Appointment of Auditor, Auditor’s certificate, Filing of half yearly return, Power of Registrar to enforce compliance, Certain provisions of RBI Act not applied to Notified NBFCs, Exceptions, modification and adaptations to Nidhi Companies, Producer Companies, Objects of Producer Companies, Foreign Companies, Initial Procedure, LESSON ROUND-UP, SELF-TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 3 : Charter Documents of Companies

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Memorandum of Association, Form of Memorandum of Association, Contents of Memorandum, Name Clause, Situation Clause, Publication of Name and Address of the Company, Object Clause, Liability Clause, Capital Clause, Declaration for Subscription, Articles of Association, Nature of Articles, Articles Subordinate to Memorandum, Registration of Articles, Entrenchment Provisions, Statutory Requirements, Contents of Articles, Consistency of Articles of Association with Companies Act, 2013, Doctrine of Ultra Vires, Loans, Borrowings, Guarantees and Ultra Vires Rule, Implied Powers, 
Constructive Notice of Memrandum and Articles, Monies Payable by Members is a Debt [Sub-Section (2) of Section 10], Interpretation of Memorandum and Articles, Doctrine of Alter Ego, Distinction between Memorandum and Articles, Legal Effect of the Memorandum and Articles, Members Bound to the Company, Company Bound to the Members, Member Bound to Member, Company not Bound to Outsiders, LESSON ROUND-UP, SELF-TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 3 II : Alteration of Charter Documents

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Introduction, Alteration of Memorandum of Association (MOA), Applicable section for Alteration of MOA, Alteration of MOA due to change in Name Clause [Section 13 (2) and (3)], Methods of changing the name, Procedure for Alteration in Name Clause of Memorandum, Name change requirement under regulation 45 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, Effect of Change, Alteration of situation of Registered Office Clause in the MOA [Section 13 (4) (5) And (7)], Change of Registered office from one State to another, Rule 30-31 of Companies (Incorporation) Rules 2014, Steps after obtaining new certificate from ROC, Employees’ right to object in case of shifting of registered office from one state to another – Some legal cases, Alteration of MOA due to change in Object Clause [Section 13 (8) And (9)], Registration of Alteration, Alteration of Liability Clause, Alteration of Capital Clause in MOA [Section 61 read with section 64],
Alt ration of Articles of Association of a Company, Manner of altering AOA, Key Considerations, Procedure for alteration of AOA under Section 14, Effect of Altered Articles, Alterations of Memorandum or Articles to be noted in every copy, Sample Board Resolution for Change in the Name of the Company, Sample Shareholder’s Resolution to be passed in the general meeting for Change in the Name Clause of MOA, Sample Board Resolution for Changing the situation of Registered Office Clause in MOA, Sample Shareholder’s Resolution to be passed in the general meeting for shifting of registered office of the company from one state to another, Explanatory Statement pursuant to Section 102 of the Companies Act 2013, Sample Board Resolution for alteration of Object Clause in MOA, Sample Shareholder’s Resolution to be passed in the General Meeting for alteration of Object Clause in MOA, Explanatory Statement Pursuant to Section 102 of the Companies Act, 2013, Sample Board Resolution for alteration of Capital Clause in MOA, 


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 4 : Legal Status of Registered Company

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Corporate Personality, Limited Liability, Perpetual Succession, Separate Property, Transferability of Shares, Capacity to Sue or be Sued, Provisions Relating to Certain Types of Companies, Small Company, Advantages of a Small Company, Holding Company, Provisions in the Companies Act, 2013 relating to holding Company, Subsidiary Company, Associate Company, Additional compliances if a company has an Associate Company Sub section (76) of section 2, Inactive Company/Dormant Company, Government Company, Annual General Meeting: (sub section 2 of section 96), Appointment of more than 15 Directors, Independent Director, Appointment of Key Managerial Personnel (203), Provisions relating to Auditor, Auditor Report in a Government Company [sub-section (5) of section 143], Supplementary Audit Ordered by C & AG [sub section (6) of section 143], LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 5 : Formation of LLP

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Concept of LLP, Step by Step Procedure to Register a Limited Liability Partnership, LLP Agreement, How to Draft LLP Agreement, How to Prepare LLP Agreement, Essential Clauses to be included in the LLP agreement, Alteration to the LLP Agreement, Change in Partner /Designated Partner, Documents to be Attached with Form 4, Change of Name, Procedure for Changing the Name of the LLP, Shifting of Registered Office, Checklist for Shifting of Registered Office, Annual Compliances of LLP, Filing of Statement of the Accounts or Financial Statements, Filing of Income Tax Returns, Event Based Compliances for LLP, Draft LLP Agreement, Admission of New Partner, Rights of Partner, Duties of Partners, Duties of Designated Partner, Cessation of Existing Partners, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF-TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 6 : Different Forms of Business Organisations and its Registration

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Introduction, Sole Proprietorship, Merits of Sole Proprietorship, Limitations of Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Dissolution of a Firm, Features of Partnership, Types of Partnership, Types of Partners, Minor Admitted into the Benefits of partnership, Merits of Partnership, Limitations of Partnership, Partnership Deed, Hindu Undivided Family(HUF), Meaning of Joint Hindu Family Business, Characteristics of a Joint Hindu Family Business, Benefits of HUF, Multi State Co-Operative Society, Benefits of Multi State Co-Operative Society, Procedure for Formation of Different Types of Business Organisations, Procedure for Formation of a Partnership, Registration Procedure, Registration under Income Tax, Key Points in creation of HUF and format of Deed for creation of HUF, Formation of Multi State Co-Operative Society, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 7 : Formation and Registration of NGO’s

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Section 8 Company, Features of a Section 8 Company, Exemptions available to Section 8 Company, Trust, Persons who can create a Trust, Persons who can be a Trustee, Difference between Public Trust and Private Trust, Exemptions available to Trusts, Tax exemptions under Section 11 of Income Tax Act, 1961, Tax Exemption under Section 12 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, Tax exemptions for a Private Trust, Society, Definition, Advantages of Society, Disadvantages of Society, Consequences of Registration / Non-Registration of a Society, Accounts and Audits, Litigation, Benefits of Forming a Society, Procedure for Registration of NGO’s, Section 8 Company, Application for incorporation, Certificate of Incorporation, Formation OF Trust, Formation of a Society, Steps for Registering a Society In India, Selection of a Name, Memorandum of Association, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 8 : Financial Services Organisation and its Registration Process

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Introduction , Non Banking Financial Company, Types/Categories of NBFC’s, Benefits of Incorporating an NBFC, Incorporation of NBFC’s, Registration Process with Reserve Bank of India, Procedure for filing Application with Reserve Bank of India, Housing Finance Companies, Benefits of incorporating a Housing Finance Company, Housing Finance Company : Registration Process, Asset Reconstruction Company(ARC), Benefits of incorporating an Asset Reconstruction Company(ARC), Asset Reconstruction Company – the Registration Process, Micro Finance Institutions(MFI), Characteristics of a Micro Finance Institution, Incorporation of MFI, Nidhi Companies, Characteristics of a Nidhi Company, General Restrictions or Prohibitions on Nidhis (Rule 6), Benefits of incorporating a Nidhi Company, Incorporation of a Nidhi Company, Payment Banks, Regulations, LESSON ROUND-UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 9 : Startups and its Registration

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Startups, Evolution, Startup India Policy, Process of Recognition of Startup, Key points, Indian States with startup policies, Exemptions for Startups, Tax Exemptions for the Startups, Effective from 2017-18, Benefits/Exemptions to Start-ups under Companies Act, 2013, Registration Steps, Financing Options Available for Startup Companies, Seed Capital, Funding Procedure, Sources of capital, Structure, Things to Know when Raising a ‘Series A Round’, Debt Financing, Mudra Banks, Procedure for Loan, Mudra Card, LESSON ROUND-UP, SELF TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 10 : Joint Ventures Collaboration and Special Purpose Vehicles

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Joint Venture, Definition, Advantages of forming Joint Venture, Strategies of Joint Venture, Formation of Joint Ventures, (1) Equity Joint Venture, Circumstances indicating SPV:, (2) Contractual Joint Venture, Restrictions under FDI Policy of Government of India, LLP Firm as a Special Purpose Vehicle, Documents for Joint Ventures, Essential Features of a Shareholders’ Agreement(SHA) /JointVenture Agreement / LLP Partnership Agreement (PA), Essential components of a Joint Venture Agreement, Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), Meaning of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), Benefits of Special Purpose Vehicle, Purpose of Special Purpose Vehicle, LESSON ROUND-UP, SELF-TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 11 : Setting up of Business outside India and Issues Relating Thereto

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, A. Structure and the Process Involved, Introduction, Some of the major overseas investments by Indian companies, A.1 Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, A.2 Eligibility (Entities are Referred to as “Indian Party”), A.3 Prohibitions, A.4 Automatic Route, A.5 Method Of Funding, A.6 Investments not under Automatic Routea and that require Approval of the Reserve Bank, B. Issues in choosing Location outside India, B.1 Geographical Location of the Business, B.2 Economic Aspects, B.3 Political Aspects, B.4 Social Aspects, B.5 Technological Aspects, LESSON ROUND-UP, SELF-TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 12 : Procedure of Conversion of Business Entities

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Introduction, Conversion of a Private Company into a Public Company, Procedure for Conversion of a Private Limited Company into a Public Limited, Scrutiny of documents by ROC, Conversion of a Public Company into a Private Limited, Procedure for Conversion of a Public Limited Company into a Private Limited, Holding of Board Meeting, Holding of General Meeting, Filing of MGT-14 with ROC, Second Step: Preparation of Petition, Third Step: Preparation of Documents to be filed with Petition in NCLT-1, Fourth Step: Publication and Service of application, Fifth Step: Hearing by Tribunal, Sixth Step: Filing of Form with ROC, Seventh Step: New Certificate of Incorporation from ROC, Conversion of Section 8 Company into any other Kind, Rule 21 of Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014, Rule 22 of Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 … 274 Conversion Of Company Into LLP, Conversion of LLP Into Company, Process for Conversion, Approval of name, Securing DSC and DIN, Filing form no. URC – 1,
Memorandum of Association & Articles of Association, E-form INC-32 (SPICE), Conversion of One Person Company to Private Company, Conversion of Private Company into One Person Company, Procedure/Steps for conversion of Private Company into One Person Company, Incorporation of Part XXI Companies, LESSON ROUND-UP, GLOSSARY, SELF-TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 13 : Various Initial Registrations and Licenses

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Introduction, Mandatory Registration, PAN, Significance of PAN for Setting up of Business, Application and Registration of PAN, TAN, Types of TAN Applications, Procedure to Apply, Where to get the Physical Application Forms, Communication, Status Track, Fee, GST, Compulsory Registration, Persons not liable to register, Procedure for Registration, Cancellation of Registration, Registration under Shops & Establishments, Purpose of Shop and Establishment Act, Meaning of an Establishment for the Purpose of the Act, Meaning of a Shop for the Purpose of the Act, Shop and Establishment Act License, Registration of Shops & Establishments, Communication of Change to the Inspector, Closing of Establishment to be Communicated to Inspector, SSI/MSME, Objectives of the Registration Scheme, Benefits of SSI/MSME Registration, Micro and Small Enterprises, Medium Enterprises, Registration Process, Procedure for Calculation & Fixation of Monetary Limits of Micro & Small Enterprises, Validity Period of G. P Registration, Documents to be submitted by the Micro & Small Enterprises at the Time of Fresh Registration, 


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 14 : Maintenance of Registers and Records

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Introduction, List of Register and Records Required to be Maintained by an Enterprise, Place of Keeping the Records and Registers, Inspection of Statutory Registers, Suggested Method of Keeping Statutory Registers, LESSON ROUND-UP, SELF-TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 15 : Identifying Laws applicable to Various Industries and their Initial Compliances

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Compliance of Industry Specific Laws Applicable to an Entity at the time of Setting Up of the Enterprise, Introduction, Formalizing and Deciding the Business Structure, Procedure for Setting up a Company, Incorporation, Form of a Company, How to Register a Company under Companies Act, 2013, Procedure for Registration, Procedure for approval of the proposed company name, Check–List of Document before Submission of a Company, Formalities to be followed while Incorporating a company, Checklist for Compliances, Applying for Business Licenses, Understanding Taxation and Accounting Laws, Adhering to Labour Laws, Adherence to Laws relating to Intellectual Property, Ensuring Effective Contract Management, Procedure for Voluntary Winding Up, Laws relating to Industries and Industries in Specific, The Factories Act, 1948, The Plantation Labour Act, 1951, The Mines Act, 1952, The Shops and Establishments Act, 1953, The Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961, The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition)
At, 1970, Labour Welfare Funds for Social Assistance to Workers, The Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service) Act, 1996, LESSON ROUND-UP, SELF-TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 16 : Intellectual Property laws (Provisions applicable for Setting up of Business)

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Introduction, Intellectual Property Regime in India, IP Protection for Businesses:
A Snapshot, Points to Consider while Adopting a Trademark, Enforcement of Trademark Rights,
Geographical indication of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act; 1999,
Designs Act; 2000, Copyrights, Rights of the Registrar of Copyrights,
Infringement of Copyright, Patents, Use of Technology or Invention, Enforcement of Patent Rights, SELF-TEST QUESTIONS


CS Executive Setting up of Business Entities Video Lectures : Chapter 17 : Compliances under Labour Laws (Provisions applicable for Setting up of Business)

Topics Covered in this Chapter
Learning Objectives, Introduction, Factories Act; 1948, Applicability of the Act, Registration & Renewal of Factories (Section 6), Minimum Wages Act; 1948, Payment of Wages Act; 1936, Employees’ State Insurance Act; 1948, Applicability of the Act, Coverage of Factory/Establishment, Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act; 1952, Payment of Bonus Act; 1965, Payment of Gratuity Act; 1972 (Payment of Gratuity in Consonance with State Rules), Employees Compensation Act; 1923, Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act; 1970, Registers of Contractors, Industrial Disputes Act; 1947, Objective of the Act, Procedure of Strikes, Procedure of Lockouts, Trade Unions Act; 1926, Maternity Relief Act; Prohibition and Redressal) Act; 2013, Objectives of the Act, LESSON ROUND UP, SELF-TEST QUESTIONS
