How Important is to Score Rank in CS Exam :Â Today we are going to discuss most important factor which might bring you to the realization that CS is not easy, rather one of the more difficult goals to attain.
Does this stress you out? Do you, feel a spike in tension?
However, by the end of this article, you will realize that your tension levels have decreased rather than increasing. So Relax! And Read On!
We want to ask you one thing, do you think it is important to be a rank holder to become CS or just passing the exams would be enough?
You may not know the answer to this yet, but by the time this article ends you will hold the key to successfully prepare for CS.
How Important is to Score Rank in CS Exam :Â Let us discuss a situation at this point: Assume that you have to take your Father to a hospital for a heart surgery. Let us say you reach the hospital and the staff gives you a list of Doctors and asks you to choose which doctor you wish to get the surgery done from.
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Now our Question to you in this situation is this: Will you select a Heart Surgeon on the basis of his Rank in the Medical Entrance Examination?
You might say that it isn’t the Entrance Exam Marks, or Rank that matter rather the Experience of the Doctor in the field that matters. After all, if the Highest Rank Holder cannot do Heart Surgery, what is the use of selecting him?
Our second question to you is this: What if the Hospital Staff recommends you to get the Surgery done by a Surgeon of a different field rather than a Heart Surgeon. We are sure your answer will be no because even the staff will not take the risk of a surgery from a surgeon other than the specified specialist. If there is no heart surgeon available in the hospital, the Hospital will hire a Heart Specialist from outside rather than putting any other Surgeon on the Job.
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Our third question here is that if you had to select in-between 2 Heart Surgeons having the same number of year experience with 100% success rate till date or another who had an 80% success rate, which surgeon would you choose? Yes! You now have a complete information on both doctors! And logic dictates that our answer here will be the first surgeon for sure.
Let us ask the fourth question in the same case:
Instead of going straight to a hospital, let us say you ask some of your friends to recommend a heart surgeon.
Assuming they know both the Surgeons from the previous question, they will also recommend the one with 100% Success Rate.
Applying the same logic to the profession of CS, a similar pattern is observed. Let’s say there is a client instead of your Father who wants to get some work done for his company, would he prefer to delegate the work to a Higher Ranking CS or to a CS who is Expert? Clearly, the choice would be a CS who is an expert in the related work of that client, completes every assignment successfully, provides proper solutions and gives the fastest delivery.
Here, if any friend of the same client knows the two CS, would once again recommend the Expert CS over a Higher Rank Holding CS.
Hence, one thing is crystal clear here: It is not necessary to be a high-rank holder to become an Expert CS i.e. all we need to aim at is to eventually become the expert in our own field, which then directly results in us transforming into an Expert CS.
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But under no circumstances should you deduct that no attempts should be made to get a good rank.
We should make it clear to you that we are not trying to tell you that you should not try for a higher rank. If you can aim to get a higher rank, you absolutely should, as in all situations, the rank for an Expert CS will work as leverage.
Our Main Purpose, however, is to make you an Expert CS and we aim to give you an easy way to qualify CS. Whatever extra hard work you put in will always translate into an additional advantage during your journey to become an Expert CS.
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