Study Strategy to Pass CS Executive in First Attempt : As we already know that becoming a CS is no more than having a good strategy. But how can you speed up your progress in becoming a CS?
As we told you in the last article about How important it is to score rank in CS Exam, to achieve your goal in becoming a Successful CS, you do not have to prepare to get a good rank. Your focus should be on absorbing the correct knowledge of your field rather than a great rank as even passing in the same with correct planning can make you a Successful CS in the long run.
We have made a Master Plan to Crack CS Exam in First Attempt. Check Out the below video
In this article we will discuss how you can prepare to pass without any extreme pressures and in an easy way.
CS Executive Super Saver Combos
However, let us present to you a few examples and case studies to clarify the points made above:
Let’s talk about a stage (say executive) of CS in which there are Total 2 Groups. Herein Group-1 contains 4 and Group — II contains 3 Subjects respectively, then as per ICSI Norms, if you want to attempt both groups simultaneously, then you have to get at least 40 marks in every subject to qualify in each and in the second you will have to bring at least 50% marks in total of all the subjects taken together. For example, if there are 7 subjects in total, then you will have to bring 350 marks out of 700 marks as a compulsion. Suppose your marks look something like this: –
Group 1 | |
Company Law | 45 Marks |
Cost and Management Accounting | 58 Marks |
Tax Laws and Practices | 50 Marks |
Economic and Commercial Laws | 49 Marks |
Total | 202 Marks |
Result | Pass |
Group 2 | |
Company Accounts and Auditing Practices | 42 Marks |
Capital Market and Securities Laws | 48 Marks |
Industrial Labour and General Laws | 59 Marks |
Total | 149 Marks |
Result | Fail |
Here aggregate of both groups = 351 > 50% of 700.Result CS – Executive = PASS
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Now if we look at the performance of individual groups, then our result is demarcated as fail in Group II but after taking aggregate marks with Group I, it would be considered a pass in both the groups or qualified in full CS – Executive.
According to this example, if we were to do the Group II Only, we probably would not have achieved success but because both groups are given together, we were able to qualify the Groups simultaneously.
While considering the examples written above, we will discuss some of the Strategy to Pass CS Executive in First Attempt !
Pass CS Executive in First Attempt : Strategy-1
Always try to give all groups of any stage together so that in a case in one group less marks are achieved, the extra marks of the other group cover the less marks of that group and in addition, you save time. If we attempt each group one by one then we have to add up 6 extra months to our timeline. At the same time, when 2 groups are attempted together, and if we qualify both groups together it saves 6 months and we Pass CS Executive in First Attempt.
CS Executive Super Saver Combos
Pass CS Executive in First Attempt : Strategy-2
Subjects | Case 1 | Case 2 |
Company Accounts and Auditing Practices | 42 | 40 |
Capital Market and Securities Laws | 52 | 40 |
Industrial Labour and General Laws | 46 | 70 |
Total | 200 | 200 |
Result | Pass | Pass |
If we talk about Group Wise Passing Strategy, to qualify a Single Group, we will have to consider the following example. Suppose we talk about passing marks in a single group, then we have to get 40 marks in individual subjects and that in the entire group, get 50% marks in aggregate. Let’s say we get following marks in a group containing 3 subjects:
Now if we look at the first instance here, we understand that we did an average study for all three subjects, but one subject, where we scored lowest marks, was covered up by Extra Marks (which were more than 50%) in the other two subjects. This means that even if we do not prepare for all the subjects with excessive pressure, it is not difficult to qualify together in the entire group.
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In the second instance, we had prepared well in just one subject and in other subjects, there was less than average preparation, but extra marks in one of these subjects cover up the lesser marks of the other two subjects as well.
Here we understand from these two examples that if we have an average study rather than a very detailed study of all the subjects, it is not difficult to pass, and even if we do not have a good preparation of all the subjects, It will be still easier for us to qualify.
Pass CS Executive in First Attempt : Strategy-3
We learned from the above strategies that we have to do preparation for all the groups together. In group wise study also we have to prepare in such a way that instead of doing very well in all the subjects, we have to do the best in one subject and average or less than the average preparation of other subjects will be covered; resulting in faster and easier qualification.
These three study strategies will help you to plan your exams accoudingly. For Better Results read our below articles while will help you to pass CS Exam in First Attempt.
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1. CS Executive Company Law Important Topics
2. CS Executive Costing Important Topics
3. CS Executive Capital Market and Securities Laws Important Topics
4. How Important it is to Score Rank in CS Exam ?
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7. CS Executive Industrial Labour and General Laws Important Topics